So this is the fifth year that I’ve done Susannah Conway‘s December Reflections.  They are a lovely way to consider what the past year has been and consider what next year can bring.  They were some of my first blog posts back in 2017, and they led me to sharing my monthly Photo a Day collections.  So as we approach the end of 2020, the year that was not what any of us expected, it is time for more reflection.

Day 1 – Star

My jade plant is really quite elderly, and it now flowers.  I noticed on this day that the first flowers of this year had opened, and that they form a five pointed star.

Day 2 – Favourite Hobby

It has been a hobby for a while, and has made appearances in various guises, but I do love wildlife photography.  One of the positives of 2020 was that the Walthamstow Wetlands are walking distance from my home, and so I was able to spend a significant amount of time there this year.  And so plenty of time to partake in my hobby. 

Day 3 – Best day of 2020

I was so fortunate to have the chance to go to the Treasures of Tutankhamun exhibition.  I have always found Ancient Egypt fascinating (and all ancient civilisations if I’m honest).  The last time there was a big Tutankhamun exhibition in London before I was born, so this was an amazing opportunity for me to see these items.

Day 4 – Red

A fairly typical London sight.

Day 5 – Biggest lesson of 2020

Oh, this is a toughie, and I could think about all the courses that I did undertake online. 

But I think that the biggest lesson I am taking from this year is that it’s ok to plan, but things change and that is also OK. That I can have emotions but they pass and that’s OK.

Day 6 – Ornament

It wasn’t quite time to have my Christmas tree up and decorated at this point, but there have been plenty put up elsewhere.

Day 7 – On my wish list

For 2021, there are so many things…
– Travel (hopefully get to Barcelona and a Yoga retreat),
– Hugs with family and friends with no anxiety about it
– meeting up with friends (this was a socially distanced meet up and hot gin punch at the wonderful Mother’s ruin E17) and having a natter around a table, in a pub
– in person courses and trainings (yes zoom has helped but tbh I am soooo over it)
– going to concerts and hearing live music (and for my other half and friends to sing in their choir) and plays

Day 8 – Fave photo of 2020

I spent a lot of time at the Walthamstow Wetlands, enjoying my hobby of wildlife photography and got some photos I’m really proud of, like the dragonfly from 2nd December…

I also love Crested Grebes… So I was delighted to capture this picture of them dancing..

Day 9 – Silver

 The silver variegation on the new cyclamen I bought this year.

Day 10 – Warm fuzzies

Cute goslings, being protected by a watchful parent.

Day 11 – ink

I was at work in Stanmore on this day, and so the only ink was a pen, as I started the Find Your Word for 2021 that Susannah Conway runs each year (what I chose will be revealed below).

Day 12 – Best decision in 2020

It wasn’t really a year for many decisions really, so a tricky prompt.  However, from the start of the first Lockdown in the UK in March, I decided that I was going to use my daily exercise opportunity to get out of the house and into nature.  Initially it was a walk to the Walthamstow Wetlands, then changed to alternating jogging (my Couch-to-5k journey which I wrote about here and here).

I also, at least initially, decided to take many online learning opportunities, so taking part in webinars that covered topics regarding pain, common ailments, and observing cadaver dissections (I know, it’s a fascinating part of my job).  I also took some new courses in TMJTherapy® and SMFRTherapy (which had the final practical assessment on the same day as this prompt.)

Day 13 – Reindeer

This little guy came out to play on the day of this prompt.

Day 14 – Mask selfie

At work, wearing a Type IIR mask (as required), but minus the face visor I also have to wear….

Day 15 – Difficult day in 2020

Ok, this year has been a roller-coaster and has been full of ups and downs… But to be honest I have been fortunate with not having to face truly difficult days… Two days stand out…
I chose to voluntarily start my Lockdown the Thursday before it was announced by the UK government, as I did not feel I could travel by public transport (my only option to get around) and be in a small room, and it was a difficult choice to make and really felt I was letting my clients down. A few tears were shed because of it, but it was the right decision.
At the start of the second Lockdown, I had another difficult day as I was waiting for confirmation on what would be allowed for my work and I felt I was being bombarded by hearsay and suppositions, sticking to my guns was really difficult and I did end up in tears.

Day 16 – Plant love

My orchids.  There are four of them in this photo, two are in flower, a third has a flower spike erupting, and the other looks lovely and lush. 
I have had the pink orchid for about 15 years and it has flowered profusely in that time.

Day 17 – Things I missed

I had planned a few things this year that were cancelled /postponed including a number of concerts (although most have been shifted), a holiday in Barcelona followed by my first Yoga Retreat I was going to go on (postponed until next year)…
…I have massively missed hugs with my parents, and friends, although my SO has shared many…
… I have missed going to see my SO and many friends sing in their amateur choir, especially the Carol concert they have that helps usher in the Christmas season…
…I have missed the in person courses and teaching chances that would let me meet up and see my colleagues as they are always such fun…

Day 18 – I said hello to…

PPE for all client treatments and not just the intraoral stuff, which was the case prior to March 2020.

I also said hello to longer hair, the initial lockdown allowed me to grow out my hair and this is the longest it’s been for about 20 years and different to the caesar style it’s been throughout that time.

Day 19 – I said goodbye to…

A stone (in weight) …
I have been fortunate this year (compared to so many other people) that all I could think of for today was that during Lockdown I lost just over a stone in weight.
This was merely by not eating pastries (a habit I had gotten into) and not having sandwiches for lunch. I didn’t set out to lose weight, but I feel happy and healthy with the weight I am now and it has remained at that level since July…

Day 20 – Best book of 2020

So hard to narrow down as I read for work, and read for pleasure, and I have read oh so many books this year…
But the two books that sum up this year are the two at the front:
  • The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse by Charlie Mackery
  • Frontline heroes by MJ Hiblen (including the iconic image of a nurse giving Covid the finger)
I have also enjoyed the first two books in the Aurora rising series by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, and am currently working my way through volume 3 of the Stormlight Archive so I can start volume 4…

Day 21 – Comfort

Is what many people are craving, especially the comfort of a (safe) touch and physical contact. It is what I hope I help my clients achieve as an Integrated Myofascial Therapist, Sports and Remedial Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, and Yoga Teacher (amongst many other things)

Day 22 – Sparkling

Christmans decorations, and the lights reflecting in the windows.

Day 23 – New recipe

Lebkuchen, some new biscuits and a new biscuit cutter.  

Althought to be honest, I feel like the final outcome were less Christmas angels and more Ghosts of Christmas Present.

Day 24 – One year ago

 I was ready for Christmas, but spending it at my parents’ house.

Day 25 – Love is…

Something I’m fortunate to have around me in my Significant Other, my family and friends. I would like to send love out into the world to everyone who needs it

Day 26 – Slippers

I do like a pair of slippers in the winter.

Day 27 – 2020 taught me

2020 taught me… Many things… that technology and the opportunities for distance learning is both blessing and curse (I am a bit over online learning, but I managed to learn so many things via Webinars), that with practice my wildlife photography has really helped, and that I am increasingly comfortable in front I’d a camera…

Day 28 – An intention for 2021

Is to keep going and surviving, and trying to enjoy each day…

Day 29 – Hope for the world

I hope that rather than fear and hatred spreading around the world that love and understanding is shared with each other…

Day 30 – Thank you for…

Thank you for… So many things…
A roof over my head, a job that I love (when I’ve been allowed to this year), friends and family, a significant other who has been so supportive (as always), and always but especially this year, thank you for the tireless work of the NHS staff, and the scientists who have created hope with their vaccines…
I am glad I did not have to use their services, but I am oh so thankful they are there.

Day 31 – My word for 2021…


After a year of POWER in 2017, I needed the integration of WEAVE in 2018 (not that I completely enjoyed the process) and I enjoyed the FLOURISH of 2019, some of which has crept up on me, 2020 was STRENGTH (supported with Inspire, Explore and Space) and that really was something I needed to lean into.

My word for 2021… Is CULTIVATE, with support from Nourish, Strength and Growth.
We are still in a time when I feel that I need to sow the seeds for the future, tend the seedlings and prune as necessary that which doesn’t serve.
Strength was my word for 2020, and it has done me well, and l feel I still need it’s support and I was tempted to keep it as my main word. But, I feel that as this year has progressed I have turned inwards, shoulders hunched and felt that I need to open up and expand somewhat. This is tempered in my mind by the growth and nourish allowing me to expand and open up out of the tightly furled bud.

So that’s the month of December Reflections for 2020.  I hope you like them and if you want to join in next year than I suggest following Susannah Conway on Facebook or Instagram and see what other wonderful things she does.  I particularly enjoyed her Photography course and her blogging course.

I hope you enjoyed this post, and I hope I’ve not shared too much information with you.



Not entirely sure, but do keep an eye out.