Standing pec Stretch

Standing pec Stretch

The front of the shoulders and across the top of the chest and rib cage can get quite happily tight with modern life, where we are sitting hunched over a computer.  I frequently find that many upper back issues seem to come from a quietly comfortable, tight pectoral...
The sniff test stretch – Lev Scap 1

The sniff test stretch – Lev Scap 1

So many people hold tension in their shoulders, and they can often feel like it is pulling up into the neck.  Sometimes it comes from the Upper Trapezius muscles that attach the shoulder girdle to the spine and the back of the skull, but it can also come from a muscle...
Upper traps stretch

Upper traps stretch

The upper traps is the kite shaped muscle across the upper back and neck, and seem to be one of the most over used muscles we have, along with the Levator Scapula.  They’re one of the muscles that most people love to have massaged.  They are technically the...