Photo a Day Collection – October 2018

Photo a Day Collection – October 2018

Welcome to Colour Month!  Also sometimes referred to as Rainbow month.  After a couple of months of difficult prompts, it was a relief to be given something a little more straight forward to photograph. October 1st – Yellow Corn on the cob, fresh from our...
Photo a Day Collection – September 2018

Photo a Day Collection – September 2018

Welcome to the ninth of these Photo a Day Collections! This year seems to be flying past now and we are sliding towards the darker months.  It is one thing about this group and the challenge of finding the light in things you suddenly have less to care about what the...
Photo a Day Collection – August 2018

Photo a Day Collection – August 2018

Welcome to the August collection of my Photo a Day pictures. It is always interesting to remember that the Fat Mum Slim website (and creator of the photo a day challenge I take part in) is written by an Australian and that their seasons are opposite to ours.  So as...
Photo a Day Collection – July 2018

Photo a Day Collection – July 2018

So, welcome to the July collection of photos.  This felt like a really tough month of prompts and I wasn’t the only one to think so…  It felt that things would be so much easier if I had a pet or a small child to photograph for the prompt.  But then...
Photo a Day Collection – June 2018

Photo a Day Collection – June 2018

I can’t believe that we’ve already completed the June prompts: This year feels like it is flying by!  I’m not certain if doing a daily challenge like this makes the days pass more slowly or faster! Anyway, here are the photos I submitted for the FMS...
Photo a Day Collection – May 2018

Photo a Day Collection – May 2018

So after the progressive nature of Alphabet month, we return to a more normal month of random prompts. The prompts are set by the wonderful Chantelle who blogs as Fat Mum Slim.  I’m sure that they are getting harder, but that might also be beacuse this has been...