Welcome to the ninth of these Photo a Day Collections!

This year seems to be flying past now and we are sliding towards the darker months.  It is one thing about this group and the challenge of finding the light in things you suddenly have less to care about what the weather is doing as you get different things to see and photograph.

I will say that when I first saw the list of prompts this month I was a bit perturbed by them. Hopefully I have managed to submit something for all of them.

Sept 1st – Spoon

One of my spoons shaped as a skull*, with a hidden selfie.


*No, not really practical, and never used. I just love them.


Sept 2nd – Dad

It was Father’s Day in Australia, so rather than being random it had more meaning.

Here’s my Dad in his element: doing DIY.  This was helping me with my kitchen flooring earlier this year, where we re-used some solid wood flooring that my hairdresser was getting rid of (random, I know).  This was the first stage of re doing the kitchen.


Sept 3rd – Rain

This was taken from the archive as there was no rain on the day this prompt came up.  This was taken after the end of the long drought in July, and is my garden from the kitchen window.


Sept 4th – Sauce

Brown or Red?

If brown: HP or Daddies?


Sept 5th – Toes

Looking down onto the fan of my toes in Baddha Konasana (Tailor’s or Butterfly pose).  To be honest, I don’t normally fan my toes like this in this pose, but it was for a photo.


Sept 6th – Balloons

My niece hiding behind her birthday balloons.


Sept 7th – Musical

A favourite musical from my childhood.  The score along with my flute (not picked up in years).


Sept 8th – Pepper

A bowl of long red (bell) peppers that we’d just bought on the market, looking lovely in the sunshine.


Sept 9th – Dance

A statue of a dancing couple found at the Sedona City Hall, they’re mounted on a wheel so they can spin.  Not my favourite statue, but fitted this prompt.


Sept 10th – Kick

A coffee this strong would deliver quite a kick.

I was a bit stumped for this prompt, until my SO suggested this.



Sept 11th – Broken

Plant power!  These agapanthus plants are trying to escape the confines of this pot.  I think it’s time to re-pot them.


Sept 12th – Swing

My crystal pendulum swinging away.  Yes, I have a pendulum for dowsing!  I use it mostly to help make some decisions: it swings in one way for a “Yes”, and differently for a “No”.  Not that I live my life by it, but if something comes up no or yes and i don’t like the answer then I can do my own thing.


Sept 13th – Clever

I had the great fortune to be a member of the audience at an evening with Neil Gaiman and Chris Riddell.  These are two very clever men, one who uses words to inspire, challenge, and make you think.  The other draws clever drawings and also uses wonderful words, but mostly sits and draws.

Watching Chris Riddell draw was absolutely mesmerising and I almost forgot to pay attention to what Neil Gaiman was saying.  And he drew all evening, barely pausing to get a new piece of paper, or to answer a question.

They were launching their new collaboration called “Art matters” and it was streamed live and it’s available here.


Sept 14th – Grub

A bookworm shaped bookmark seemed quite appropriate for this prompt today.  As I didn’t really fancy trying to take a nice photo of my lunch or scratching around in the garden to find a real life grub.


Sept 15th – Steps

A set of monochromatic steps at The Hepworth Wakefield.   I was chosen as one of the Notable Nine photos, for which I was really chuffed.


Sept 16th – Swish

Swish?!? SWISH???!!! A photo for swish?!

Fortunately, earlier this year a Peacock had swished his tail past me and I got this lovely photo.


Sept 17th – Suit

I used to wear suits all of the time (back when I worked for Next), but now I no longer do.  Now I have two suits, both spend their time in a dust jacket to keep them clean.  This is the linen suit I tend to wear for weddings.


Sept 18th – Twenty

Twenty drawing pins.

Slightly uninspired today.


Sept 19th – Pocket

The pocket of the suit from a couple of days ago.


Sept 20th – Handsome

A very handsome chap imortalised in stone, seen at the Vatican Museum.  This is a depiction of Antinous, who was Emperor Hadrian’s lover.  When Antinous died tragically young, Hadrian was devastated and set up a cult to worship him.


Sept 21st – A board game

The classic set of pieces for a game of chess.


Sept 22nd – Waiting

I went to a reunion of my friends from the Yoga teacher training, and this was the dog of Joanna who hosted us.  I think Pip was waiting to be let out.


Sept 23rd – Hanging

This is a piece called Jersey Girl.  She hangs from a thread from her back foot, from the side of a building in St Helier.

It seems to divide people with some seeing freedom and joy in the piece.  Others, including myself, find it disturbing.  I think that first saw it when I turned a corner and seemingly saw someone jumping off the roof of the building.  That has put me off it, but I still took a photo of it.


Sept 24th – Bite

Me taking a bite out of a Percy Pig (and only consuming half a dozen to get the right photo)


Sept 25th – Playful

I really struggled with this one, as I really was not sure how to photograph playful (without a small child or pet) and I really wasn’t in the mood…

So I played at being a Seasonally Challenged Hipster.


Sept 26th – Kind Act

I was really a bit stumped (again) about this one, as I really don’t want to stalk people to take photos, and I’m often the one helping out (not sure I could stop to take a selfie in the midst).

Any way I spotted this on my way in to work, and got a few weird looks from my fellow commuters.


Sept 27th – Flowers

I wanted to do something different, as I post so many pictures of flowers, and love this sign of an unused shop on Whitecross Street, the shop was called Flowers, but only the ‘O’ and the ‘E’ remain.


Sept 28th – Entertainment

“I don’t have time to entertain you, here’s some pens and paper, go entertain yourself”

I was in a bit of a mood on this day, and really didn’t have much time to take a photo.  Suddenly came up with this idea and many of my fellow PaDsters found it very entertaining.


Sept 29th – Grey

This is my new kitchen, with grey cupboads, and a wooden work surface.  I’m really pleased with how it’s turning out.


Sept 30th – Pineapple

I have no idea why this sloth has a pineapple on its head, but it’s cute and a pineapple (and different from many others).

If you want to get something similar, it came from Wild Whimsy Woolies.


So that’s it for what was a month of really difficult prompts, I hope you enjoyed the photos.  I was so delighted to have been chosen for a Fab Four, this month especially as there were some really tricky prompts.

October seems to be an easier month (colours!) and if you can’t wait to see what I’m posting then  follow me  my Instagram feed. There will be another summary of my photos next month.

Thanks for reading this, my lovely interonauts,
