So, welcome to the July collection of photos.  This felt like a really tough month of prompts and I wasn’t the only one to think so…  It felt that things would be so much easier if I had a pet or a small child to photograph for the prompt.  But then that’s the whole point: to be challenged and to think around the subject.

I hope you like these pictures.

July 1st – Lonely

Lonely heart amongst the clubs and spades…

I didn’t really want to go to the maudlin or take a stalker shot, which would have been an option, but how to deal with emotions in photos…


July 2nd – Furry

Furry as a bee in lavender…

I love bees and they reallly are furry.  I was really lucky to catch this busy bee with my phone camera, especially with the detail.

I also miss having a furry companion for prompts like these, but it makes me think of other things instead and to be very creative.


July 3rd – Hot

Whilst the UK was gently melting in a heatwave (yes only 29-30C) it’s really hard to capture in a photo…  So I give you a tap 😀

It was interesting to have conversations with people around the world who see the UK and laugh at our pitiful “heatwaves”, it’s hot (for us).  I am also not a great fan of hot weather (about 24-25C is great)


July 4th – Heart

A beautifully decorated heart given by  a Croatian friend.


July 5th – Tired

Draped over a bolster, a very tired yogi rests into Pigeon pose (Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana).  I have used this before for a different prompt and the response then led to this blog post


July 6th – Blush

Blueberries blush as they head towards being ripe.  These are in my garden.


July 7th – Yawn

This was a day of yawning over my Facebook feed with all the yawns.  Here I am also demonstrating the unconscious stretch that happens when yawning, which has the wonderful name of Pandiculation.   I had to read about this for my Myofascial Release Diploma and have developed a bit of a Pavlovian response to reading, or saying, or typing, the word Pandiculation.

I was delighted to be chosen as one of the Fab Four with this post.


July 8th – Wonky

Wonky is something that is not upright and also precariously balanced: I think this orchid of mine demonstrates this quite well.  I have had this orchid for well over 10 year and it flowers time and time again.


July 9th – Black

A black iris.  I know, it’s not true black, but a rather magnificent purple, but it was stunning.  However it was only around for a day so I hope that it manages to survive the drought and multiply lots and I can have lots more of these gorgeous flowers.


July 10th – Lucky

I couldn’t find a four leaf clover, so fingers crossed for this prompt.


July 11th – Outdoors

Outdoors at the Walthamstow Wetlands on a glorious summer’s day.


July 12th – Energy

A close up of a well known brand of battery, as I had no other ideas on how to show Energy in a photograph.


July 13th – Hooray!

Throw back to the summit of Airport Mesa, Sedona, Arizona in 2017.  I was so happy to be there.  This was also when I was first growing my beard, and you can just about make out the ginger stubble.


July 14th – White Background

Nature does have the best white backgrounds: a hoverfly gathering nectar from a Dog Rose, being dusted in pale yellow pollen.  Not a bad photo from a phone*


*a Pixel 2 XL if you must know.

July 15th – Sport

A space for sport.  I was away at a birthday party and it was too hot to play anything, not that I am sporty at all.


July 16th – Close

Close as peas in a pod.  There were so many ways that you could take this one word: close as in near, close up like a macro (which lots of people went with) or close as in end of the day or to shut up.


July 17th – Yummo!

A photo of freshly picked Japanese Wineberries (Rubus phoenicolasius) which is an oriental raspberry.  They taste delicious.

I will also say that I hate the word “Yummo”, but Fat Mum Slim is based in Australia, so we get some of these terms.

I was absolutely amazed that this quick snap was chosen to be one of the Fab Four (that’s a second one in a single month!!!)


July 18th – Young

Young tomatoes, in all stages from flower to almost ripe.


July 19th – Something heavy

The discworld, carried on the back of four elephants (Berilia, Tubul, Great T’Phon and Jerakeen) standing on the shell of Great A’Tuin, the Star Turtle…

This was the cake at a birthday party of another Terry Pratchett fan that I attended at the weekend.


July 20th – Text

Words by Rodin at the British Museum’s exhibition.  Not sure they’re entirely true…


July 21st – Melt

Back to the Birthday Party, and the candle wax melted to produce some amazing shapes.  I particularly love the one that melted to look like a lit candle.


July 22nd – Opposites attract

Love across the chessboard…

Such a difficult prompt to do.


July 23rd – Imitation

An imitation sunset and sky covers the building work around Broadgate at the moment.


July 24th – Wind

Windflowers (also known as Anemone Nemorosa, or Wood anemones) taken at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, earlier this year.


July 25th – Fave colour

My favourite colour changes, but generally around the blue, green or red side of things.  We’re currently redoing our kitchen at home and the colour will be our favourite amongst one of these….


July 26th – Pile

Pile of plates, including the red heart one again.


July 27th – Gift

Gift wrapping tools


July 28th – Helpful

A helpful hook that we use to open and close our new kitchen windows.


July 29th – Cool

As a cucumber…

I’m really not a cool person.


July 30th – Delight

Delight in the small things: this rain was very welcome after a long period of drought conditions.


July 31st – Faceless Portrait

The legs of a yogi…


Bonus photo

This was an alternative for the white background prompt (as if you hadn’t guessed).  These are the ladles in my (currently) white kitchen.

So, that was a really tough month, and I was absolutely amazed to be chosen not just once but twice for the Fab Four.

It is also strange because the photos that people liked the most were ones where I just pointed and shot the photo (like the wineberries), whereas the ones where I tried to stage things led to significantly less likes.  I should just be freer with my camera and see what happens.

Thanks for looking through my motley selection of photos.  Hope you enjoyed them my lovely interonauts.  There are loads of photos over on my Instagram feed if you don’t already follow me there.
