by Tim Harwood | Nov 2, 2022 | Photography
Welcome to another month of photos, this month it should get quite colourful as it’s Rainbow month. This is a theme that happens every year and it is fun to do. Until I start to over analyse what actually constitutes a colour: where does aqua suddenly become...
by Tim Harwood | Oct 4, 2022 | Photography
Welcome to another Photo a Day Collection! There is no great overarching theme set by Fat Mum Slim again this month, and if anything it seems like some very random prompts. I was away from home during the month so some more dipping into the archive than I really want...
by Tim Harwood | Aug 31, 2022 | Photography
Welcome to the August collection of my Photo a Day pictures. Chantelle, who writes the Fat Mum Slim blog and started the FMS Photo a day challenge, has decided that this month should be a month of about us as the people who take part in the group. We did something a...
by Tim Harwood | Aug 2, 2022 | Photography
So, welcome to the July collection of photos. Again there was no overarching theme this month. 1st July – Reflection It was a stormy day when I was heading home, so seeing blue sky reflected in the office windows was wonderful. 2nd July – Letters Some...
by Tim Harwood | Jul 5, 2022 | Photography
This month has been deemed by Chantelle (aka Fat Mum Slim) to be Gratitude Month, so there is no specific prompt for each day. I know that I am very privileged and have a lot to be thankful for, but somethings are easier to photograph than others. 1st June I am...