10 years a fascianista

10 years a fascianista

10 years of Fascia, fascia, fascia I find it difficult to believe, but in May 2022 it will have been 10 years since I first trained with Ruth Duncan of Myofascial Release (MFR) UK.  I really can’t believe it is that long; as it feels both a short moment since...
Equipment for Online MFR Self-Care and Yoga Classes

Equipment for Online MFR Self-Care and Yoga Classes

There a number of items that will make the classes easier and more enjoyable, but I am aware that not everyone will have these, or have the money to spare, or want to spend the money on tools. General Equipment List Yoga mat. To be honest, a yoga mat is not necessary....
Fascia, fascia everywhere…

Fascia, fascia everywhere…

Fascia /fæʃ(i)ə/ Anatomy, Zoology a. a band or sheath of connective tissue investing, supporting or binding together internal organs or parts of the body b. tissue of this kind I talk a lot about fascia when I’m working, as many people are not sure what it is or...
Discussions around truth

Discussions around truth

At the end of June I was out of clinic for about 10 days attending more courses (yes, I am a course junkie). The final three days were at the School of Life Sciences in Dundee  participating in a Biotensegrity focussed dissection course.  We were working alongside...