Motion and rest

Motion and rest

 We’re at the start of the year and many people set New Year’s resolutions at the start of the month.  A significant number of these are to improve our health and wellbeing, and I’m all for that. Many of them fall by the wayside, and I’m ok with that too.  I...
Psoas soothing movement

Psoas soothing movement

This movement is really quite simple, but somehow really quite powerful in soothing a grumpy psoas.  This can be the muscle that gets tight over a day being sat down in a chair, so it can be really nice to do just as you settle down to sleep. Equipment None, except...
Still running

Still running

It’s mid June as I’m writing this, and I thought I should share an update on how my running is going since starting to run in April 2020 with the Couch to 5k app.  I am still running, just. I’ve not actually completed the 9 week Couch to 5k programme...