Welcome to the first of 2020’s monthly Photo-a-Day collections, and the first of the new decade*. The prompts are set by the wonderful Chantelle who blogs as Fat Mum Slim. This has been a daily fixture of my Instagram feed (search for #FMSPAD) since January 1st 2017. It has been a wonderful community to join in with and there are some very talented photographers and artists taking part in it.
Jan 1st – Happy

Happy dog, getting love from his Mummy’s hands.
Jan 2nd – Black and White

Black and white view of a London escalator.
Delightfully, this was selected to be one of the Fab Fourteen (the person making the choice found it difficult to narrow down). A nice start to the year of PaD, not that it’s competitive at all.
Jan 3rd – This year I’ll…

This year I’ll…
…be doing lots of learning (including pelvic floor work, and gaining a teaching qualification) but maybe not as many courses as last year.
…travelling to Glasgow a few times, for some courses and some planning.
…attending my first Yoga retreat.
…travelling to Barcelona (prior to the Yoga retreat).
To be honest, the more I look at the picture I think I’m looking gormless, rather than thoughtful… not my best facial expression.
Jan 4th – Get in the photo!

Yes, that’s me reflected in a giant mirror ball, which I found at God’s Own Junkyard. I’m getting less unhappy in front of the lens, so wanted to go for something different.
Jan 5th – Confetti

Confetti of a natural sort, this the petals from the Cherry tree that graces the street outside my house. Each year it scatters its petals across the street, and the drift so beautifully. I see them as wonderful, one of my neighbours thinks the tree just creates mess.
Jan 6th – Outside

Outside seating, not so popular in London, in January.
Jan 7th – I enjoy…

I enjoy my garden, including feeding the birds. This means I can get to watch, and enjoy, the squabbling sparrows as they fight over who is going to get the prime position.
Jan 8th – Cheesy

<Insert cheesy feel good quote here> to go with Cheesy Instagram photo.
I didn’t have much idea for this, and didn’t really have time to find a nice picture of cheese.
Jan 9th – Paper

Plain or printed paper, I do love a book.
Eagle eyed people will see the next bit of learning I’m undertaking: the Award in Education and Learning.
Jan 10th – Eye candy

Eye candy, literally. I do love Licorice Allsorts, so buying some for this prompt wasn’t too hard.
Jan 11th – Yum!

More of the Licorice Allsorts that I just had to buy for yesterday’s prompt… and I do love them and find it hard to stop scoffing them: Yum!
Jan 12th – In the air

A common tern in the air over the Walthamstow Wetlands
Jan 13th – Water

Water, straight from the tap.
Jan 14th – A slice

A slice of lemon, just waiting for the ice, tonic and gin.
Jan 15th – My shadow

My shadow taken on a dark and damp morning, on my way to Clerkenwell.
Jan 16th – I am here!

X marks the spot.
Jan 17th – Green on pink

Pink (especially pastel pink) is not my favourites colour, so I tend to photograph pink things I like to have them in stock for prompts like this. And I hope that the green frond of fern over the pink camelia counts for the added hell of Green on Pink.
Jan 18th – Mirror

My illuminated bathroom cabinet…
Jan 19th – Ice cream

Selling ice cream in London, on a cold January day, not the easiest thing to do.
Jan 20th – A wall

A wall, decorated with Street art in Walthamstow. My only criticism is that you can’t get a decent photo of it as it’s down a side alley.
Jan 21st – I am…

I am… A man of many hats: I am a Myofascial Release Therapist, a Sports Massage Therapist, a Reiki Master, a Yoga Teacher, a photographer, and many more things and a fool (occasionally)
So delighted that this foolery was chosen to be one of the Fab twenty-two (they had a hard time narrowing it down).
Jan 22nd – Cold

Ice cold lemon, just waiting to bathe in a Gin and Tonic…
Jan 23rd – Beauty

Beauty of an Ancient Egyptian statue sort, such an amazing sight, and looks to modern even though this was found in Tutankhamun’s tomb.
Jan 24th – Treat yo self

Looking after myself at this time of year, giving a SAD light a go to see if it helps me with the dark days of January and February.
Jan 25th – In my town

In London, you don’t always have to look up to see Street Art, this is chewing gum that has been spat out by some random person and then painted by the artist Ben Wilson. This was found on the Millenium Bridge that crosses the Thames between Tate Modern and St Paul’s Cathedral.
Jan 26th – Bright

Bright yellow Winter Aconites, found in Bonhill Cemetary which I love walking through on my way to the Clerkenwell Clinic. They are one of the first flowers of spring, and a welcome burst of bright colour.
Jan 27th – I miss

I do love my job, and my clients. But there are times when I miss being at home at this time of evening during the week, rather than just leaving work.
Jan 28th – Warm

A cold winter’s day, and having completed my Tax return I thought I deserved some comfort food.
Jan 29th – Rainbow

A rainbow of lights up the side of a building.
Jan 30th – Trio

A trio of Andy Warhol style Madonnas adorn the side of house in Islington. I adore this image of her which was the cover of her True Blue album (a favourite of mine).
I was over joyed that this photo was selected as one of the Notable Nine for today.
Jan 31st – Cheers

Almost ready for the weekend, and a cheeky gin. Though I wouldn’t drink it like this at all…
Oh, and do drink responsibly.
Bonus photo

A creepier version of the Eye Candy prompt, there’s an even creepier one where both eyes are covered by allsorts.
So that’s it for this month, I hope you enjoyed the photos. I was amazed to have been chosen not once, but three times this month. It is always a privilege to be chosen, and I try not to expect anything: it’s about the taking part.
There will be a constant (some might think endless) stream of photos on my Instagram feed, so if you can’t wait until next month then follow me there. There will be another summary of my photos next month.
Thanks for reading this, my lovely interonauts,

Reiki Courses: I’m running a Reiki Level 1 course running in March 2020. More information (External website)
British Fascia Symposium: Bi-annual conference sharing information about the Fascia and it’s applications in clinics. More Information (External website)