by Tim Harwood | Nov 2, 2021 | Photography
I was away at the start of the month, so many were taken whilst I was in Guernsey. This month has a “Getting to know you” feel to it, with each prompt being the start of a sentence which we should complete to share something about us. I hope you enjoy...
by Tim Harwood | Oct 12, 2021 | Photography
Welcome to another Photo a Day Collection! There is no great overarching theme set by Fat Mum Slim again this month, and as things were busy I’m taking it easy. I was away from home at the end of the month. Sept 1st – What I’m reading If you’ve...
by Tim Harwood | Aug 31, 2021 | Photography
Welcome to the August collection of my Photo a Day pictures. Chantelle, who writes the Fat Mum Slim blog and started the FMS Photo a day challenge, has decided that this month should be a month of Gratitude. We did one of these during April 2020 when we were in the...
by Tim Harwood | Aug 3, 2021 | Photography
So, welcome to the July collection of photos. Again there was no overarching theme this month. July 1st – Hello Finding a different way to take a selfie, that also says a bit about me. July 2nd – No filter So a photo that I feel gets the “No...
by Tim Harwood | Jun 30, 2021 | Photography
There’s no overarching theme again this month, and work’s been busy so no additional personal theme for me. The weather seems to have decided that Summer is here, which made some prompts a bit easiers. June 1st – Ordinary Nothing much more ordinary...
by Tim Harwood | Jun 2, 2021 | Photography
Welcome to the May collection of my photos that I share as part of the Fat Mum Slim Photo a Day challenge (FMSPad) I really enjoy the challenge of taking and sharing photos based on themes. Even when I don’t have the small child or animal that would make that...