by Tim Harwood | Apr 2, 2022 | Photography
Welcome to the latest of my monthly Photo-a-Day collections. 2022 is streaming past very rapidly I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoy taking them. Let me know. 1st March – The weather It was a grey wet day, although this was from a stormy day a...
by Tim Harwood | Mar 1, 2022 | Photography
Welcome to this month’s Photo-a-Day collection. If you follow these posts regularly then you know that once a year we have Alphabet month, and this year it is in February. So it is always fun to do, until your brain starts to struggle to things of things that...
by Tim Harwood | Feb 3, 2022 | Photography
Welcome to the first of 2022’s monthly Photo-a-Day collections. The prompts are set by the wonderful Chantelle who blogs as Fat Mum Slim. This has been a daily fixture of my Instagram feed (search for #FMSPAD) since January 1st 2017, so this is the start of my...
by Tim Harwood | Jan 19, 2022 | Photography
So here we are at the end of 2021, another year that sort of didn’t happen. But the photos continued, and they helped me keep a vague idea of how time was moving on. This month is as Festive as I could manage for the prompts, I felt a need to that after the...
by Tim Harwood | Jan 19, 2022 | Photography
So this is the sixth year that I’ve done Susannah Conway’s December Reflections. They are a lovely way to consider what the past year has been and consider what next year can bring. They were some of my first blog posts back in 2017, and they led me to...
by Tim Harwood | Nov 30, 2021 | Photography
Welcome to another collection of my photos! So the penultimate month of 2021, and the theme this month was Rainbow month. This is a perennial favourite of the FMS PaD community, and a chance ot bring some colour to the internet. 1st Nov – White This is the...