There’s no overarching theme again this month, and work’s been busy so no additional personal theme for me. The weather seems to have decided that Summer is here, which made some prompts a bit easiers.
June 1st – Ordinary

Nothing much more ordinary than an oven glove.
June 2nd – A card

One of the rules of the group are that you shouldn’t be advertising in the group (fair enough) but I was slighlty out of ideas so used my business cards, which I’m still in love with many years later.
June 3rd – A pic of me

Well this was a photo that I didn’t think I’d ever take, let alone share. Firstly, I’m back running, and seem to have resolved the pain in my ankle/knee/hip that was preventing me being able to do it (You can read more about the journey in this blog post). Secondly, it wasn’t until Lockdown last year and starting to run that I ever took my top off in public anywhere other than the beach or a swimming pool (which I rarely visited so taking my top off in public virtually never happened). I had no self confidence or comfort in my body and so felt shame of it and kept it covered. With the running something shifted slightly and now the top will come off on warm days and I’m not in a residential area and there aren’t too many people around (small steps).
June 4th – Electric

A dip into the archives and a visit to God’s Own Junkyard for this one, a sign I really love. My phone camera doesn’t really cope with neon signs and turned one of the white words yellow…
June 5th – Off centre

A bit of street art that needed to be off centre to get the full caption. This can be found in Neal’s Yard, Covent Garden, London.
June 6th – Smooth

I do love arum lillies, and the smooth curves their smooth spathe makes as it unfurls.
June 7th – Close up

Apologies to any arachnophobes, but this little cutie is a female Flower Crab Spider, and she took up residence in one of my arum lily flowers. Which gave me the chance to get plenty of photos of her.
June 8th – Light

This light was in the window of a coffee shop that is just down the road from the Clerkenwell Clinic, and I’ve waited ages to use it.
June 9th – In the shade

Grogu finding some shade under a cocktail umbrella.
June 10th – Glass

Summer and the chance to meet up with friends, so a glass of bubbly and a jug of Pimms seems about right.
June 11th – Balance

Many years ago, a good friends gave me a posable fridge magnet. Here it demonstrates a half-moon pose on the front of my boiler.
I was delighted that it was chosen as one of the Fab Four.
June 12th – Eye spy

I was out of a run and spied this eye looking back at me.
June 13th – Leaf

A leaf or two of home grown rainbow chard. Delicious.
June 14th – Books

I may have said it before, but I love books as does my Significant Other. This is actually a part of his collection of Agatha Christie books. Between us we have more than enough books to fill the ten book cases we have around the house. There is a permanent tension between wallspace being used for shelves versus art.
June 15th – Toys

I do love a Star Wars stormtrooper (the Empire had the best uniforms).
June 16th – Something Weird

Well, I do sometimes wonder about the weirdness of Street Artists imagination, and colour choices. But trying to find something weird was tricky.
June 17th – A handful

A handful of tomatoes to go with my packed lunch.
June 18th – Rough

Rough wall and the rough remains of some street art.
June 19th – A number

I know I have used this number for a prompt before (no, I can’t remember when) but I do love seeing what the number is being used to promote each month as I walk to work in Clerkenwell. It is updated each pride month, but also promotes Breast Cancer Awareness, Mental Health Awareness, Remembrance Day, and more that I can’t remember at the moment. It is a substantial size on the side of a fairly plain building.
June 20th – Bicycle

In May 2019 I did a whole colour month but using the Bikes of London, so was a bit underwhelmed and had no inspiration for this prompt. Then remembered Walthamstow Artist Angry Dan who had this wonderful bicycle related limmerick and painting:
JK Starley reveals
His vision of life on two wheels
The people alike
Can all ride a bike
And soon we’ll be head over heels.
June 21st – Something blue

This blue globe, an art installation called Gaia, which I saw at the Painted Hall, Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich. A stunning location for a stunning piece.
There was a queue of (probably) instagrammers all waiting to use the mirrored table (used to view the ceiling without a crick in the neck) to capture a photo like this.
June 22nd – Fire

Fire and water, an art installation appropriately called “Waterflame” by Jeppe Hein, a Danish Artist.
June 23rd – Stripes

This rather striking image is a detail of a concession stand in St Jame’s Park.
June 24th – One colour

A close up of a wicker elephant, which is one of 100 elephant sculptures that are currently on show through St Jame’s Park and Green Park in London.
I was really pleased with this photo, and so was delighted when it was chosen as one of the Notable Nine photos for the day.
June 25th – In the air

A common tern lazily flying through the air at the Walthamstow Wetlands.
June 26th – Anything

Another of the elephant sculptures in St James’ Park, with Buckingham Palace in the background.
June 27th – This season

This season’s blueberries are starting to ripen, it’s going to be a good harvest this year.
June 28th – Skyline

The London skyline is getting increasingly vertical, and it’s not the easiest to move away from to get a good view. These towers can be found just north of Old Street station.
June 29th – Floating

A visit to Kew Botanical Gardens and seeing the Waterlily house gave me the chance to take a floating leaf and flower.
June 30th – Sharp

A sharp angle on one of the Barbican towers.
Being honest, I had a complete mental block on what to do for today’s prompt.
Bonus Photo 1

This was, obviously, a more typical photo for balance, especially for a yoga teacher.
Bonus photo 2

This was taken with an Instagram filter on, which is why I didn’t submit it as my photo for the day, but as an alternative. I don’t mind editing the photos, but they are normally done post photograph to clean things up or correct a misalignment, or a colour pop. This was just a rather cool piece of software that makes you look like you’re made of fire.
That’s another month done, with some photos I’m really proud of, and a two were chosen for special mention, which really pleased me.