Welcome to another Photo a Day Collection! There is no great overarching theme set by Fat Mum Slim again this month, and as things were busy I’m taking it easy.
I was away from home at the end of the month.
Sept 1st – This is Super Duper

Well, this month started off with a tricky one: and so I dove into the archive to find this super street art of a Super Hero… I found this in Berlin in 2018 when I was there for the International Fascial Research Congress.
Sept 2nd – Round

A round mirror with a subtle selfie. I had the great pleasure of seeing the Anish Kapoor exhibition at Houghton Hall. This was one of the pieces.
Sept 3rd – Photography

Photography is about capturing moments in time, like this lady taking a photograph of the Anish Kapoor mirror.
Sept 4th – Sugar

Sugar, flour, butter and almonds combine to make a crumble topping. And a fortunate heartshape too.
Sept 5th – Colour play

I didn’t have much time on this day, and little inspiration. The top left is the original photo of one of my orchids, the others are playing around with various colour filters on my phone.
Sept 6th – Myself

Sept 7th – Rings

Rings of sharp blades are hidden under more rings on the razor head.
Sept 8th – Home

Home carried on its back.
Sept 9th – Good stuff

After a busy, and wonderful day at work, I finally managed to get back to the floatation tanks at Floatworks, Angel. It was great, which is why I look a little woozy.
Sept 10th – Life

Life in the undergrowth, a damselfly seen at the Wetlands centre.
Sept 11th – Craft

A ship is a craft that floats on water.
Sept 12th – Tropical

Um, London really isn’t that tropical, so the best was this leaf taken in the tropical greenhouses at Kew.
Sept 13th – Travel

Train travel is a bit different now, and this was a rare opportunity to get a photograph of an empty train (increasingly hard to do as lockdown eases)
Sept 14th – Nook

A nook?!?! Another hard prompt, and a dig into the archive to find this photo of a seat at Fountains Abbey, which just needs a cushion, a few books and a drink for me to relax into for a while.
Sept 15th – Delight

Always a delight to see a bee busy at its business.
Sept 16th – Step

One step after another leads to a set of stairs, these ones lead to a train platform.
Sept 17th – Zingy

This month has quite a few tricky prompts, and I was at a slight loss for ideas but the colours of these homegrown tomatoes are quite zingy (I hope)
Sept 18th – Lines

Lines of a London skyscraper or two
Sept 19th – Alone

A heron.
Sept 20th – Music

Of a folky sort, taken last year at the Folk by the Oak music festival.
Sept 21st – Shiny

Shiny sculpture, Sky Mirror by Anish Kapoor.
Sept 22nd – Garden

Moving to autumn, these yellow daisy’s really brighten up the garden.
Sept 23rd – Heart

The Mayor of London and Transport for London are spreading the love with these posters. There is a part of me that wishes that we didn’t need reminding to be kind to each other.
Sept 24th – Art

A recent addition to the art in my neighbourhood is this sign for the local train station. Art by Maud Milton
Sept 25th – Better together

Gin, tonic, ice and some garnishes…
Sept 26th – I found this

This elephant (?) was waiting for me to find as I arrived on holiday.
Sept 27th – Duo

A duo of squabbling men, a statue at Studely Royal Water Gardens, Yorkshire.
Sept 28th – Special

Fountains Abbey, where I was on holiday.
Sept 29th – This is clever

I am always blown away by the cleverness of the stone masons of old, building vaulting that lasts the centuries. This is the Cellarium (larder) of Fountains Abbey.
Sept 30th – Design

A sketch by Anish Kapoor, and I’m amazed by how this sketch is the design for his large sculptures…
So that’s it for this month, and I hope you enjoy them. I wasn’t chosen for one of the Fab Four this time round, but I will admit that my Phojo was lacking this month and I wasn’t very inspired.
October is going to be an interesting month and if you can’t wait to see what I’m posting then follow me my Instagram feed. There will be another summary of my photos next month.
Thanks for reading this, my lovely interonauts,