Welcome to the first of 2022’s monthly Photo-a-Day collections. The prompts are set by the wonderful Chantelle who blogs as Fat Mum Slim. This has been a daily fixture of my Instagram feed (search for #FMSPAD) since January 1st 2017, so this is the start of my sixth year of doing it It has been a wonderful community to join in with and there are some very talented photographers and artists taking part in it. It has also helped my own photography to improve, and to also see the world in a slightly different way.
1st Jan – How I’m starting 2022

Like all days, with a nice cup of the black stuff.
2nd – This is me

And also me… me and a younger version.
3rd Jan – Breakfast

Mmmm, a bacon and egg sandwich…
5th Jan – This year I’ll…

This year I’ll be busy, but will make time to stop and admire the flowers along the way.
6th Jan – Begins with G

Giant glowing green grasshopper begins with G. Seen at the Glow Wild event at Wakehurst Place.
7th Jan – Word to live by

As described in my December Reflections post last year, my word for 2022 is Courage, which isn’t a bad word to live by.
8th Jan – Get in the photo

Having a hot gin punch at the wonderful Mother’s Ruin Gin Palace in Walthamstow with friends, and trying not to spill any as I was taking the photo.
9th Jan – Play

I managed to get tickets to the Kit Kat club, aka The Peacock Theatre, and saw Eddie Redmayne and Jessie Buckley in Cabaret. Absolutely amazing.
10th Jan – Makes me smile

Finding something smiling at me.
12th Jan – I am here!

At the train station at Walthamstow Central, as I was travelling to work at Clerkenwell on that day.
13th Jan – Happy

Well someone looks happy in this bit of street art.
14th Jan – Reflection

I love it when the sky is perfectly mirrored in a body of water, here the Walthamstow Wetlands.
15th Jan – Heck Yes!

A tricky prompt this one, but the Happy Fox photo to the rescue. This was taken out of my back room window of a fox having a scratch, whilst sat on my neighbour’s roof, in February 2021 when we had a light dusting of snow here in London.
I was, naturally, delighted when this was chosen as one of the Notable Nine for this prompt.
17th Jan – In the sky

Not a lot, as we had a beautiful blue sky, with just a few planes flying far overhead.
18th Jan – Serenity

Typified by the lotus, which I photographed in Kew last year.
19th Jan – Lucky number

I don’t really have a lucky number… but, depending on the game, these might be.
20th Jan – A path

A murky day at the Walthamstow Wetlands and one of the paths there.
21st Jan – Happens everyday

Such a glamourous photo, but cleaning my teeth is something that happens everyday, if not twice a day.
22nd Jan – I love this colour

I love the blue of a winter’s sky, especially in the depths of January and February.
23rd Jan – A place

A place that is close to my heart is the Walthamstow Wetlands, and I love this view of the Pump House.
24th Jan – A shape

The star biscuit cutters I use most frequently.
25th Jan – Flowers

One of my orchids has a wonderful spray of flowers at the moment. This orchid I have had for about 13 years now, I seem to be able to keep them, which is why I keep getting more.
26th Jan – Water

Water droplets on the shower screen after my morning shower.
27th Jan – Dinner

I still don’t enjoy food photography, but this toad-in-the-hole turned out well.
28th Jan – Nature

Unlike food photography, I really do love photographing nature. Which means I have thousands of photos to choose from, here is a bullrush and some tufted ducks from my most recent visit to the Wetlands.
29th Jan – A book cover

I love my fantasy books, and the Memory Sorrow Thorn series by Tad Williams is an all time favourite. The cover by Michael Whelan is also a favourite and yes I have the series book covers on my wall.
30th Jan – Mirror

A fancy mirror that was in the cottage we stayed in on Guernsey last year.
31st Jan – I need to do this

Yes, I need to keep my nails short and smooth for my work. So I need to use the nail file, constantly.
Bonus photo

This is the third cover in the Memory Sorrow Thorn series, and to be perfectly honest this is my favourite one. The book (To Green Angel Tower) was so large that is had to be publised in two volumes.
So that’s it for this month, I hope you enjoyed the photos. I was delighted that people loved my happy fox as much as I do and that it was then chosen as one of the Fab Fours.
There will be a constant (some might think endless) stream of photos on my Instagram feed, so if you can’t wait until next month then follow me there. There will be another summary of my photos next month.
Thanks for reading this, my lovely interonauts,

SMFR Therapy online classes. Group classes are running every Wednesday between 5pm-6pm. More info here.
Online yoga classes. I am continuing my Tuesday morning zoom classes (9:30am-10:30am). More info here
In person yoga classes. We are just finalising the timetable for in person yoga classes at Clerkenwellbeing. More details coming soon.