So here we are at the end of 2020, the year that sort of didn’t happen. But the photos continued. This month is a colourful end to the year as FatMumSlim decided we’ll have Rainbow month in December (the first time they’ve done it).
As has been my habit for the last four years, I have also been doing the December Reflections led by Susannah Conway, and these have been gathered in their own post.
December 1st – White

My white butterfly orchid, which is the new of the two, is in flower so it had to be used for today. Even though it has some yellow at the centre.
December 2nd – Yellow

A yellow leaf found on the pavement. A fellow PaDster told me it comes from a Tulip tree (Liriodendron) although I have no idea if they are 100% correct.
December 3rd – Blue

Blue light from a shop front, reflecting on their shutters.
December 4th – Aqua

Aqua scooter and moped. A scultpure of Dogman and Rabbitgirl by Gillie and Marc that can be found at Spitalfields Market.
December 5th – Black

It’s that time of year, when the gloves need to come out.
December 6th – Pink

The pink origami waterlily makes another appearance…
December 7th – Brown

The front of a the chest of drawers, I think it’s a walnut veneer.
December 8th – Purple

After many years, I decided to get my craft on, and have a go at making some straw stars to go on the Christmas Tree. This is the purple one…
My mother made a whole load of straw stars many, many, many years ago… and they are still in use to this day. She leant me the book and the straws so I could have a go.
December 9th – Orange

An orange section of Fringe on a piece of art by Joana Vasconcelos that I saw at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park back in October.
December 10th – Navy

Navy at work, my work top and the day to day face covering (it gets changed to a Type IIR surgical mask when I’m treating, but this reusable mask is what I travel in).
December 11th – Green

Green watercress leaves in the salad spinner, all clean and ready for lunch.
December 12th – Red

Red with a some dampness and a random leaf. The top of a postbox.
December 13th – Grey

A grey day on the day of this prompt, with a dash of yellow from a stained glass lemon. Actually realised that grey and yellow are the Pantone colours for next year, so somehow I was very on trend with this .
December 14th – Black & White

My wonderful stained glass stormtrooper, an iconic black and white, with a hint of other colours.
December 15th – Pattern

The pattern of a cut glass bowl.
December 16th – Minimal

A reindeer, seen at the British Museum’s Artic Exhibition.
December 17th – Rainbow

A ceramic rainbow, bought during the 1st Lockdown period of 2020.
December 18th – One colour

A straw star of a single colour.
December 19th – Two colours

How the purple straw star ended up being used.
December 20th – Three colours

Two stars, but three colours.
December 21st – Dark

We need the dark to see the lights, one of the Barbican Towers.
December 22nd – Light

A string of festive sprouts.
December 23rd – Pop of colour

A pop of colour at the Wetlands.
December 24th – Pastel

Pastel is a sort of colour in short supply in my house, so a dip into the archives to a visit to Kew.
December 25th – A fave colour

Red is a favourite colour, especially at this time of year.
December 26th – Cool

A cool (nearly cold) winter’s sky, always welcome with the sunshine.
December 27th – Warm

I don’t, unfortunately, have a wood burner at my house, but this was in the cottage where we stayed in Yorkshire back in October and it was cold enough then to light the fire.
December 28th – Monochrome

A grey day on the day of the prompt. This hasn’t been turned to black and white, it was just monochrome.
*Swedish Gnome.
December 29th – Golden

Golden honey, about to be poured over porridge. This was my first attempt at porridge, and my first taste of it for a few decades. To be completely honest, I really can’t see what the fuss is, and most people telling me to enjoy it are basically enjoying the things they add to it. Not sure I’ll bother again.
December 30th – Matching

A pair of Crested Grebes matching and mirroring each other. If you also read my December Reflections post, you’ll see that this is one of my favourite photos of the year.
December 31st – Bright

A bright building, near to Mother’s Ruin Gin Palace. And I was delighted to finish on a high with this being chosen as one of the final Fab Fours of 2020.
So that’s it for December and for my fourth year of taking part in the Fat Mum Slim Photo a Day group. I hope you are still enjoying these monthly collections. I was also taking part in the December Reflections as well, which will be covered in a separate post.
There will be a constant (some might think endless) stream of photos on my Instagram feed, so if you can’t wait until next month then follow me there. There will be another summary of my photos next month.
Thanks for reading this, my lovely interonauts,

To be perfectly honest, your guess is as good as mine…