Christmas times 2023

Christmas times 2023

I can’t believe that we’re all ready coming to the end of 2023!  I guess that that is a sign that I’m getting more annual experiences.  But it means that there will be a pause in my clinics between Christmas and the New Year.  My final day will be...
Christmas 2022 & New year 2023

Christmas 2022 & New year 2023

This is the first year I’ve only been in one Clinic.  With the Bank Holidays there will be a delay in returning to clinic after the New Year.  To tide you over, there will be an extra clinic on Thursday29th December but at the Islington Clinic in Prebend Street....
Christmas & New Year 2021

Christmas & New Year 2021

*****UPDATED 21ST DECEMBER 2021*****   Season’s greetings, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Well, that’s been another year, and one that many people will be pleased to see the back of.  I  had been planning on working at the Islington...
Christmas & New Year 2020

Christmas & New Year 2020

Season’s greetings, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Well, that’s been a year, and one that many people will be pleased to see the back of.  I won’t be working between Christmas and the New Year.  The specific  last dates for the end of 2020 and...
Christmas tree biscuits recipe

Christmas tree biscuits recipe

This is the recipe for the biscuits that my mother (and now I) make each Christmas.  They are part of the traditions I have for this time of the year. Once cooked these biscuits are hung on the tree and spread their glorious spicy aroma through that room.  During this...