I was away at the start of the month, so many were taken whilst I was in Yorkshire, and the whole month has a slightly more “Scavenger Hunt” feel. So that was quite interesting to do. And my Phojo returned.
October 1st – A fence

Taken on the steps at Aysgarth Falls.
October 2nd – A funny shape

The wind carved rocks of Brimham Rocks are all funny shapes.
October 3rd – A for sale sign

As I was in the middle of nowhere, and I the prompt list came out just after I neglected to take a photo of a For Sale sign for Dingley Wood (in Malham if you’re interested) I was despairing… Until I spotted this sign for some eggs, really expensive eggs (there isn’t a decimal point on them).
I was delighted that this snap taken through the windscreen was chosen to be one of the Fab Four for today.
October 4th – Afternoon light

Another view of the Studely Royal gardens.
October 5th – Your parents

My parents are still with me, thankfully. And I was able to go on holiday with them and we stopped at the Yorkshire Scultpure Park where I grabbed this picture of them wandering towards one of the pieces of art.
October 6th – In your pocket

As a fantasy nerd/geek/lover, the only thing in pockets has to be a ring…
October 7th – Half full

Inspiration was lacking, until I spotted my phone only had 51% battery left.
October 8th – A list

A list or two… work and home lists…
October 9th – An unmade bed

Relaxing whilst on holiday and allowing the bed to remain unmade… which to be honest always happens.
October 10th – A splash

Taken at Hackfall Woods in Yorkshire, water splashes over a waterfall.
October 11th – A bridge

A bridge at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.
October 12th – Hand shadows

I think the aliens are coming… slightly spooky effort.
October 13th – A book cover

How to choose or photograph a book cover… One cover kept coming back to my mind and this is the icon Dune cover, maybe because there’s a new film version coming out next year (fingers crossed).
October 14th – The tallest building

The Shard is the tallest building in London, and the UK, and the 6th tallest in Europe. Here it is peeking over the top of another building.
October 15th – Wrinkles

Yes, I have wrinkles, but glad that they’re smile lines.
October 16th – Power lines

Now, how to make power lines look photogenic… a nice moody sky helps.
October 17th – Behind the scenes

Cleaning the Cathedral in Cordoba, which is nestled inside the Mezquite, such an amazing place. Also fun to see the cleaners at work.
October 18th – A closed sign

In this year of Lockdown, nice to see that roads are still having work done on them.
October 19th – Something hidden

Hidden away in the undergrowth, some Fungi
October 20th – Graffiti

I’m never certain where the line between Street Art and Graffiti lies, if there is a line at all. Seen in Street Art Central, also known as Shoreditch.
October 21st – A flock of birds

A flock of Jackdaws swirling around the tower at Fountains Abbey. It was approaching dusk and I think they normally roost there, but a Peregrine Falcon was perched on the side of the tower (see bonus picture) and that was disturbing them.
I was pretty gobsmacked for this to have been chosen as one of the Notable Nine.
October 22nd – Running water

One of the waterfalls at Aysgarth in Yorkshire. There was quite a lot of water in the river, and that was after some rain, but before a full day of torrential rain.
October 23rd – An empty table

A small table framed by some largish trees, seen on my way to work.
October 24th – Rocks

Back to Brimham Rocks in Yorkshire, and a tree framed by the rocks and a moody sky.
October 25th – An arrow pointing up

A simple arrow showing the way to somewhere at the Walthamstow Wetlands.
October 26th – A spider web

At the Wetlands on a grey morning spotted this spider’s web holding water droplets.
October 27th – A collection

Slightly off the wall, but a collection of saucepans turned into a sculpture. Art by portuguese artist Joana Vasconcelos, seen at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.
October 28th – soft

Soft seed heads, and soft lighting
October 29th – Dancing

A bit of graffiti, found somewhere in Shoreditch…
October 30th – Peeking

Peeking through my orchids
October 31st – A wonderful surprise

A wonderful surprise was this Little Grebe appearing within a few metres of me at the Wetlands and not immediately disappearing again. I wonder if it had been attacked by something and so was using me as protection.
Bonus photo

On the edge of the tower you can see the Peregrine Falcon perched, much to the disgust of the Jackdaws.
Bonus photo 2

Zooming in on the Peregrine Falcon.
Bonus photo 3

And the closest zoom in on the Peregrine Falcon.
So that’s it for this month, I hope you enjoyed the photos. I was so fortunate to have been chosen as one of the Fab Four not once, but twice this month. It is always a real thrill to be given this accolade. The fab four (or more) are chosen by the Facebook admin team each day for each prompt.
There will be a constant (some might think endless) stream of photos on my Instagram feed, so if you can’t wait until next month then follow me there. There will be another summary of my photos next month.
Thanks for reading this, my lovely interonauts,