Welcome to the May collection of my photos that I share as part of the Fat Mum Slim Photo a Day challenge (FMSPad) I really enjoy the challenge of taking and sharing photos based on themes. Even when I don’t have the small child or animal that would make that particular promp that much easier… But they get me to think creatively.
I do hope you enjoy these photos, as I know that they are not exactly normal to be included on a wellness blog, but they are a way that I care for myself.
May 1st – Something Yellow

This building isn’t particularly attractive to my eyes, but it is a beautiful yellow colour. It is part of the Golden Lane Estate, near to the Clerkenwell Chiropractic Clinic, and is an early part of the Barbican development.
May 2nd – This inspires me

Nature really inspires me, and sunny weather and spring.
May 3rd – In the distance

Is one of my favourite places to visit: Malham Cove in the Yorkshire Dales. This is the path, being trod by my parents, leading to the foot of it.
May 4th – Something colourful

It was “Star Wars day” so Grogu had to make an appearance amongst the cocktail umbrellas.
May 5th – Someone I love

My long suffering SO who has stood beside me through many adventures and tribulations. This was taken at the top of Malham Cove, and you can see the path in the distance.
May 6th – An object

An edible object, that is still present all this time after Easter (yes, I have will power when it comes to chocolate: except for peanut m&ms)
May 7th – Half

Half and half… what happens when you have access to anatomical models… and you adore anatomy.
I was delighted to be chosen to be one of the Fab Four for today’s prompt.
May 8th – Window light

A wet and stormy morning on the day of this prompt, so the dark gloomy light of the window at the top of the stairs seemed appropriate.
May 9th – Outside

I was outside in my garden photographing foxes and unfurling ferns (as you do, or at least I do) when I heard this loud buzzing noise and I was joined very briefly at my lilac by this stunning Hummingbird Hawkmoth. Just amazing, I’ve never seen on in London, but have seen them in Guernsey and on the Isle of Wight. So, so special to see. I was also able to get this photo that I’m delighted with.
May 10th – Messy

So many messy things about me at the moment… A messy haircut (which I’m loving), a messy mind which is all over the place (which I’m not loving so much)
I was also delighted that this photo was chosen as onbe of the Fab Four for this day’s prompts.
May 11th – On top

On top of my neighbour’s shed roof a fox gets to relax and catch the sunshine.
May 12th – On the shelf

At work there are a number of anatomical models sitting on the shelf…
May 13th – A wall

At the Clerkenwell clinic we have a number of gorgeous exposed brick walls, so an easy choice.
May 14th – A passion

I am so fortunate that my job revolves around one of my passions: fascia… and this spider’s web reminds me of the different densities it can achieve and also is nicer than the photos I take of raw meat…
May 15th – Patterns

Nature is full of patterns, from the wings of a butterfly to the pattern of the wood.
May 16th – Something small

I had the amazing experience of going to a bluebell wood in full bloom and dotted through the blue carpets were small white bells.
May 17th – Made me smile

The bluebell wood definitely made me smile: I’ve never seen anything like it. Spring also makes me smile and seeing the ferns unfurl. It was a day of smiles.
May 18th – To my right

When in my work studio (back bedroom) to my right is a wall of pictures as well as a box of lights and bits that I use for my online classes of SMFRTherapy and Scaravelli yoga.
May 19th – Shadowplay

As always the weather wasn’t playing today, so there were no shadows to play with. This was from last year’s first lockdown when I was feeling a bit trapped.
May 20th – Dinner

Toad in the Hole, a warm winter staple that I really enjoy. Espeically with spicy sausages.
May 21st – Mirror Selfie

Fresh out of the shower and ready for the new day.
May 22nd – Home decor

My home decor is probably best thought of as a combination of art gallery and library (all wall space is either coverd in pictures or books). I do need a bigger house with more walls.
Art is by Ben Rothery (Snow leopard, birds and stag beetle), Watercolours by Rachel (Bee), Jackie Morris (Otter) and Jess Shepherd (Leaves) Links take you to their Instagram profiles.
May 23rd – Something hot

A lit match is quite hot.
May 24th – Music

Oh I miss live music. I manged to squeeze a quick concert in at the end of last year, but didn’t take any photos. This is Steeleye Span on the last night of thier 50th Anniversay concert in December 2019.
May 25th – Facial feature

Peeking out of the ivy at my parents’ house is a copy of the eye of Michaelangelo’s David. They also have copies of his ear and lips, though not his nose.
May 26th – A stack

A stack of comics waiting to be filed. They are a mixture of Sandman Universe (The Dreaming, Books of Magic, The House of Whispers, Lucifer and Hellblazer) and Neil Gaiman’s Norse Mythology. The painting is by David Mack and is a print of the cover of an American Gods comic.
May 27th – Ten

Ten digits. The badge reads “The Magic starts here” which is a nod towards the fact people call me Magic Hands.
May 28th – Flat lay

A work inspired flatlat, the additional measures that need to be used with patients.
Although the gloves and apron are only used if I need to work inside the mouth for TMJ Issues.
May 29th – A treat

Meeting up with friends, and having a gin and a chin wag was a real treat after the lockdowns.
May 30th – A plant

A succulent in my garden. I adore the spirals of these plants.
May 31st – In my car

Living and working in London I don’t have a car. I can drive, but many years ago I decided I didn’t need a car. So this prompt was a challenge in thinking outisde the box. Then I remembered that a car can also be a carriage of a train and this was the empty Jubilee line carriage on my way to Stanmore.
Bonus photo

The practical side of work on the shelf…
So that was May and it was a challenge at times. However, I was delighted to be picked for a Fab Four photo not onece but twice. Being picked is a real honour, but it is not truly why I take part in this challenge: it’s about improving my photographic skills. There will be many more photos on Instagram and another collection next month.
Thanks for reading this, my lovely interonauts,