This month was the second of the Lockdown months due to Covid-19, and after April’s Free-choice Month of Gratitiude normality returned with a series of prompts.  This had the overarching theme of being “An Iso Photo Challenge” and related to the Isolation of Lockdown.  This caused a bit of confusion as there is the camera ISO setting, but the Australians do like to abbreviate words hence Isolation become Iso.

May 1st – View from a window

I have used this view before, as it’s one of the nicest views from a window I have: looking out at my garden from the kitchen sink… There are also bird feeders just out of sight so I spend a fair bit of time looking at them.

May 2nd – A drink

I don’t just drink gin: I do also drink cider, which was tonight’s tipple.

May 3rd – Dreaming of…

Dreaming of weird things at the moment.  

This was an outtake for another sleep type prompt. My hand shook and I ended up with this interesting look, which I really rather liked.

May 4th – Neighbourhood

Just in case I forget where I live, a nice handy reminder at the Walthamstow Pumphouse Museum.

May 5th – A Fave room

I don’t really have a favourite room as such, but I am very pleased with my kitchen.

May 6th – I made this

I made this flapjack as a little treat.

May 7th – A throwback

It was about the same time in 2019 that I went to Scotland for some training and spent time with one of my wonderful colleagues, and she introduced my to Arriya, the Maid of Cumbernauld.  She is by the same artist as the Kelpies.

May 8th – The sky

The sky was blue and this blue fence seemed just right for Isolation month.

May 9th – I miss…

I missed the simpler times of travel, and spending time with my parents.  Here we are as I introduce my parents to group Selfies in the Orange Tree courtyard of Seville Cathedral.

May 10th – Self Care

So one of the good things from the Lockdown is that I’ve been able to undertake some self care, so the meditation stool, the yoga mat, the MFR green ball, and some weights have all been regularly used.  And I’ve been drinking plenty of water.

May 11th – Working here

This is the view back towards the computer for when I do one to one zoom meetings with my clients and take them through their own self care movements.

May 12th – Snack

A piece or two of my flapjack of course.  One is actually for my SO. 

May 13th – Two things

I was going to just photograph my ear buds for this, but they really reminded me of femur heads, so I had to then grab a little plastic skull and so my two things are a Skull and Crossed Bones.

May 14th – In the kitchen

I still wash up by hand… 

May 15th – Reflection

A bit stumped today, and so this was the best I could come up with.

May 16th – I Isolate here…

I isolate myself in the smallest room of course… 

May 17th – I feel…

I felt Meh, on the day that this prompt was meant to be, and rather than faking a happiness I didn’t feel at that time I went honest and took this self portrait.  I think it is absolutely fine to feel less than wonderful as that makes good days nicer, we just don’t want to get stuck here.

May 18th – I did this today

I wrote the blog with the update on returning to work on the day of this prompt.

May 19th – Mailbox

We don’t call them mail boxes in the UK, so here’s the top of a Victorican Pillar Box.

May 20th – My Iso Crew

My wonderful S.O. and I hard at work.

May 21st – Routine

A part of my routine is cleaning my teeth, it really makes me feel himan and able to function.

May 22nd – I’m reading

I’m always reading, with many books on many different subjects on the go.  But always one book for pleasure to read before bedtime.

I was delighted that this photo was selected as one of the Fab Four for today. 

May 23rd – Something green

The underneath of a Japanese Wineberry leaf, with the sun shining through.  Really pleased how this turned out.

May 24th – Breakfast

It was Sunday, so breakfast was a Bacon & Egg sandwich. 

May 25th – Lunch

Lunch at the weekend is often a bagel with pastrami, english mustard, cheddar cheese and homemade Sauerkraut.

May 26th – Dinner

Being home in the evenings has meant we can cook different things, and it was cooler this week.  So Toad in the Hole, with Spring greens and new potatoes.  It looked less photogenic with the red onion gravy over it.

May 27th – Something I wore

It was just over two months since I wore my work polo shirts, I will wear them again.

May 28th – Alone

A Greater Crested Grebe looking for a mate… seen at the Walthamstow Wetlands of course.

May 29th – Today I…

I went running.   During lockdown I’ve started running for my health.  I suffered a weird pain in my ankle (probably an old injury making itself known) and with some self-treatment and advice from colleagues I started (carefully) running again.  I was surprised to find that I had missed it, even after doing it for 6 weeks.

May 30th – Outside

Sitting outside enjoying the sunshine in my garden.

May 31st – Selfie

Still enjoying the sunshine in the garden.  The sunburst effect is due to a slightly grubby front camera looking towards the sun. 

Bonus photo

Another Selfie, slightly silly but this is the running with anti-bug swallowing device in place.

So that was Iso Month, which is still sort of continuing for me into June.  I was delighted to be picked for a Fab Four photo.  There will be many more photos as we go and another collection next month. 

Thanks for reading this, my lovely interonauts,
