Welcome to the latest of my monthly Photo-a-Day collections. 2023 is going past us quickly, but winter does seem to be trying to keep us back.

I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoy taking them. Let me know.

1st March  – Look up

Looking up at part of the ceiling of the Painted Hall at the Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich

2nd March – Round

This was the underneath of the Museum of the Moon, when it was on display at the Painted Hall, Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich.

Yes, I did lie on the floor to get the whole thing in.

3rd March – Something green

A pair of Ring-necked Parakeets at the Walthamstow Wetlands

4th March – A bunch of something

Well, lots of bunches of grapes.  I saw this impressive sight a few years ago when visitng Soave, Italy.

5th March – Random

This is hellebore seedling in my garden and it has the random colouration in its petals.

6th March – Something you dread

A concept that I know I know, but dread having to explain is Spinal Mechanics.  These are Fryette’s law and I know I have them straight in my  head but as soon as I open my mouth I start to doubt myself.  I had been running a MFR Masterclass for students of MFR UK at the weekend so it was still playing on my mind.

7th March – In the dark

In the dark, the light shines brighter (or at least seems to).  I do love the shapes of spotlights at concert venues.

8th March – Supplies

Ah, my supplies of face masks that I am still wearing whilst I am working.

9th March – Something that smells wonderful.

I had to dip into the archive for a photo of one of my roses from last year as I had suddenly had to dash to run workshops in Bristol for MFR UK.

10th March – A cafe

A cafe in a box. just outside the hotel I stayed at in Bristol, and it was good coffee.

11th March – Contents of your junk drawer

Yes, well.  This is one of many drawers, and I just opened it, photographed it and closed it again. 

I will say that some of the others in the group have very tidy junk drawers.

12th March – Repeat

A roman soldier, and another, and another.

13th March – Your favourite mug

I don’t really have a favourite mug, just whichever gives me my first coffee of the morning.  Although I do like it to be of a decent size too.

14th March – Something you don’t understand

Really didn’t understand what this was trying to say.

15th March – A fleeting moment

With a flash of blue the Kingfisher sped past me. The scream of delight at capturing that moment was probably heard on the other side of London.

16th March – A treasure you found

My mind immediately went with Lord of the Rings and the fact the ring is a found treasure.  A joke that went over most people in the group.

17th March – A country road or a city street

A damp London street, reflecting the colours of the lights.

18th March – Your most comfortable shoes

Different shoes are comfortable at different times, at the moment these are my comfortable shoes. 

19th March – A slice of…

An archive shot of a slice of lemon tart that I remembered to photograph before I finished it.

20th March – A useful object

This lovely thing folds out into a trivet.

21st March – Things you collect

Yes, I collect books, and art and other bits of useless stuff.

But this was the first I thought of and I was delighted that this photo was chosen as a Fab Four for the Facebook group.

22nd March – A lucky object

A hagstone, which this is called, is apparently a lucky object.

It was lucky enough for my photo to be picked for the Notable Nine.

23rd March – Your desk from above

I don’t really have a desk as such, but this is where most of my work happens.

24th March – A piece from your favourite game

I don’t really play board games, but I was given a set of the Lewis Chessmen and this is one of my favourite pieces.

I was delighted that it was chosen as a Fab Five.

25th March – A motel sign

Not having Motels in the UK (well not often) it was a trawl to the archives.  This was taken in London and the Motel sign was an irritant when I took the photo of the lovely street art.

26th March – Something timeless

The moon in the sky is pretty timeless.  Although her waxings and wanings help us keep track of time

27th March – An old home

A trip to my home town gave me the opportunity to photograph the house I was born in. 

28th March – A modern building

London’s skyline is always changing, and what was once modern (hello Tower 42) is now considered old (and too short).  This view will soon be hidden by another building on the right so I’m enjoying having this view. And a good sunset helps.

29th March – Two flavours you enjoy

An edit to show my love of Rhubarb and Custard (though custard is difficult to make photogenic)

30th March – A souvenir

A fridge magnet from a trip to Barcelona last year.

31st March – Your best friend

My wonderful, helpful, partner, who has been my best friend for over 20 years now.  Love you masses darling.

So that’s the end of this month and I was delighted to be chosen as Fab worthy three times this month.  I know it’s not the important bit of it all, but it makes it really specialy when you are chosen.

We shall see what April brings.

Thanks for reading this, my lovely interonauts,
