Welcome to the latest of my monthly Photo-a-Day collections. 2022 is streaming past very rapidly
I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoy taking them. Let me know.
1st March – The weather

It was a grey wet day, although this was from a stormy day a couple of days before this prompt when the raindrops were hitting the windows quite hard.
2nd March – Something in your kitchen

A cupboard to hold eggs, and a butter dish.
3rd March – Skyline

London at night, with the London Eye a glorius pink
4th March – Makes you feel nostalgic

Looking through my archive of photos made me feel very nostalgic for travel, and heading to Sedona for an MFR training course.
5th March – Books

Books behind bars at the Bologna University librairy
6th March – a corner

A corner of my stained-glass stormtrooper.
7th March – A bus stop

Taken on my way to work at Clerkenwell.
8th March – Sunset

As usual, the sunset of the day of the prompt was rubbish, but a few weeks ago it was stunning.
9th March – From inside the car

From inside the car, Batman surveys the city….
…Or how to think outside the box for a prompt when you don’t have a car.
10th March – A meal you made

Homemade Chilli Con Carne
11th March – Somewhere with a good view

A german observation post had a good view from Guernsey
12th March – An insect

A rose chafer on cow parsley last year at the Walthamstow Wetlands
13th March – A close up

A close up of one of my orchids.
14th March – Something you’ve never photographed

Oh my goodness, I photograph everything that catches my eye! So, with a bit of creativity I managed to capture the moment of inspiration.
Totally delighted when this was chosen as one of the Fab Four for this day.
15th March – A playground

Or a statue of a playground which can be found in Vicenza, Italy. I wasn’t going anywhere near a playground, and if there is any one is using it I won’t get my camera out (feels too creepy)
16th March – A local cafe

The coffee shop just down the road from the Goswell Road Clinic in Clerkenwell.
17th March – Something you think is boring

Yeah, don’t really enjoy the washing up process, and it can get very tedious.
Totally blown away that this was chosen as a Fab Four.
18th March – Flowers

This time of year is blossom time and with a blue sky behind I can’t help taking photos of this magnificent flowering cherry.
19th March – A grocery store

An archive shot of a grocery store, as I was away on a course and so nowhere near a supermarket.
20th March – Something weird

I was walking down Tottenham Court Road and passed this store (gallery?) with these amazing HANDles, so of course I stopped to take a photo (see photographing something new above)
Totally delighted to be chosen again for the Fab Four.
21st March – A colourful place

Kew Gardens is always colourful.
22nd March – A garden

I do have a garden, but I’ve used it quite a lot before. This is my parents’ garden, which I helped plant out many many years ago and it is just wonderful.
23rd March – A leaf

Sunshine through an iris leaf in my garden.
24th March – A sunbeam

Sunshine through a forest canopy, from the archive.
25th March – Graffiti

A happy cat, which was even happier to be chosen as a Sketchy Six image.
26th March – An empty road

The Barbican Tunnel, before they allowed cars to travel down it again. They had stopped cars to cut air pollution and it was wonderful to walk down the road.
27th March – A tree

A tree, reflected and rotated, reminding me to breathe.
Trees are the lungs of the planet.
28th March – A shop window

Spotted in Carnaby Street, London, this is quite an iconic logo in a shop window.
29th March – Old Building

Fountain’s Abbey of course, which I actually used in an image on the same day last year.
30th March – A stranger

A stranger in a fabulous jumper looking at the mosaic roundel at Walthamstow Central.
31st March – Under a tree

A statue sitting under a tree at the Westfield Shopping Centre in Stratford (and to be honest I feel saddened and wanting to cry when I visit this place).
Bonus photo

The Walthamstow Central roundel by Maud Milton featured in the “A stranger” prompt above. This is made up of tiles created by members of the Walthamstow Community and there is so much detail in the artwork that it is wonderful to look at.
So that’s the end of this month and I was delighted to be chosen as Fab worthy four times this month.
We shall see what April brings.
Thanks for reading this, my lovely interonauts,