Welcome to the latest of my monthly Photo-a-Day collections. The year is just flying by, and I’m struggling to believe that March has already been. And what a month! So weird, at the start of it everything seemed normal, althought the spectre of Covid-19 was present. However, I’m not sure that I knew I would be having my work closed down and working from home. I’ll try to keep Covid-19 out of things, but it will have an impact on everything.
I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoy taking them. Let me know.
March 1st – Something blue

An orchid, seen that the Kew Orchid Festival, which has been dyed a vibrant blue.
March 2nd – Alone

Alone, on the concourse of Paddington… a rare sight of near emptiness. It was busy in the other direction.
March 3rd – Hands

A beautiful statue found in Cordoba last year.
March 4th – So colourful!

Vibrant pink orchids, so full of colour, seen at the Kew Gardens Orchid Festival.
March 5th – Art

Street art by Fin Dac, found in Shoreditch.
March 6th – Old

Old, as in Ancient Egyptian old, but still looking fresh and modern.
March 7th – My colour

Generally I think blue is “my colour”, but I also love reds, and greens, and… so this peacock (which I bought many years ago at Bishops Stortford zoo on a school trip) has the colours in there… and not that I’m vain.
March 8th – Get in the photo

OK, so this seems to be a monthly event now (and not sure how I feel about that) and as it was International Women’s Day I decided to use a photo of me with two wonderful and influential women: Carol Davis (on the left in the photo) and Ruth Duncan (on the right). This inspired me to write my blog post thanking the women who influenced me.
March 9th – Two!

Two Great Crested Grebes displaying to each other in their courtship dance. Something I’ve not seen before this year.
March 10th – Off-centre

This orchid was seen at the Kew Gardens Orchid festival, tucked away from most people. I loved the fact that the stem was off centre and also the grungy look of both the orchid and the backgrounds.
March 11th – Green

I have a confession, I forgot I posted this green with a jolly silver hand for green, and posted a second photo for green, which is the bonus photo below. I had a lot on my mind at the time, and a headache.
March 12th – Trees

Some trees and their reflections at the Walthamstow Wetlands.
March 13th – Need

I need a break, and contrary to the advert, a chocolate bar won’t cut it.
And as the Interweb thingy is international I might need to explain that the advert went: “Have a break, have a KitKat”
Little did I know, that week later I would be getting some rest as work was closed.
March 14th – This is fun!

Spinning round at a fair speed at the top of a tall pole is Fun for some, but not me.
Nope. Never. No. Not me.
March 15th – Cool

Cool items to be found in God’s Own Junkyard
March 16th – Fresh

Fresh air and the cherry tree outside my window in all it’s glory.
March 17th – Throw it

He still won’t throw it…
…the Discobolus at the British Museum is one of my favourite statues.
March 18th – Close-up

A close up of an Osteospermum that was flowering in my garden, in March.
I do love the blue, pink and white colour combination. There was no filter used on this.
March 19th – Black + White

This was the day that I decided to temporarily stop working and treating clients due to the Covid-19 pandemic. I needed to remind myself of the Fear Litany from Frank Herbert’s Dune:
“I must not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn my inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”
March 20th – Fashion

Fashion of a theatrial costume sort, as seen at the National Theatre.
I was told by a friend on Instagram that is from Sondheim’s muscial “Follies”.
March 21st – On the street

A purple balloon left, deflated, on the street.
March 22nd – Horizon

Everything seems to be all at sea at the time of writing this, and it feels like everyone is staring at the horizon, wondering what comes next…
Just keep floating and keeping in contact with people (from a safe distance).
This is a lovely photo from September last year, when I was enjoying the warmth and sunshine of Cape Cod.
March 23rd – Clouds

Early morning, with the sky a vivid colour, which was actually taken in January (as there were no clouds in the sky on the day of this prompt)
March 24th – Morning

My early morning cup of coffee, which I’m enjoying having in bed during the Covid-19 lock down that was happening.
March 25th – I’m loving

So during the start of the Covid-19 stay at home period we managed to have beautiful weather and the cherry tree outside my bedroom window was in full bloom: so lovely at this uncertain time.
March 26th – So good!

So good that we have had good weather, and that I can access my Happy place, also known as the Walthamstow Wetlands, on my daily exercise.
March 27th – The View

The view from my Kitchen sink, looking out at the garden, with a lovely stained glass Lemon made by Crafty Glass London, who are a local Walthamstow artist.
March 28th – In the air

A grey heron in flight… a really overexposed photo that I took by accident, but I do like it.
March 29th – Chair

Part of one of the chairs I have in my kitchen.
March 30th – Far away

Far away, but seemlingly so close. The moon was wonderfully full when I was in Cape Cod in September last year, and I was so amazed to get a decent shot with a handheld camera.
March 31st – Buddies

Well, this was always going to be a bit of challenge for me. Not that I don’t have friends, but I dislike taking photos of people. and also don’t like sharing without their permission. So finding this photo of two egrets sitting next to each other seemed to work, it was taken back in October 2019 at the Walthamstow Wetlands.
Bonus photo

The second green photo, that I accidentally posted.
So that’s the selection of photos that I submitted for the March Photo-A-Day group. I do hope that you enjoy seeing these photos. With the Self-Isolation and minimal outdoor visits which are currently available to us in the UK, the online Photo-a-Day groups I’m a member of are real help at the time in keeping me grounded, and I will keep posting lots of weird photos over on my Instagram feed, and there will be a summary of the FMSPad ones here again. I do hope you enjoy these blog posts, and to be honest I had vaguely thought about stopping them on this website as really doesn’t fit with the rest of my work, but I think I will continue as they really help me keep the blog alive, and also help to share some beauty. If you have an idea on that, then please pop over to my Facebook page and comment on the post announcing this blog being published, I would love to hear your thoughts.
Thanks for reading this, my lovely interonauts,