So, welcome to the July collection of photos.  I was still in Lockdown at the start of the month, returning to work at the end of July, so many photos were taken locally or were from the archive.

July 1st – Happiness is…

A laugh, fleeting moments enjoyed alone or with friends, and savoured.  This is from a visit to Edinburgh with a dear friend in 2019, when the Oor Wullie Big Bucket Challenge was happening.  A few hundred of these statues were spread across Scotlands (my friend managed to see them all) and this one depicts the original black and white Oor Wullie and was outside the Scottish Parliament.

And to be honest, I find these prompts so hard to depict.

July 2nd – Fave colour

Another prompt I find difficult, but only because I don’t think I really have a favourite colour.  I may tend towards shades of blue, but I love reds, (strong) pinks and purples.  With regards to tops, I would say that any colour, except black (and yellow) are my favourites.

July 3rd – Mirror

One of my mirrors in my hall. I wish I had edited out the blemish in the mirror that gives me a black line over my nose.

July 4th – Stars

A dip into the archive, and a photo of Dale Chihuly pieces reflecting in the roof of the Temperate House at Kew Gardens.

I was so happy to have been picked as one of the Notable Nine for this photo.

July 5th – Garden

My garden, and it’s micro garden path, a bit overgrown with lavender and agapanthus.

July 6th – Hot

Hot and sweaty jogger at the end of my first uninterrupted 30 minute run.  Oh, and wearing hot pink.

July 7th – On the floor

Sitting on the floor is really quite comfortable, and though this isn’t how I sit for long periods behind the computer, there are times when this is how I sit.  Normally for online consultations with clients as I need to get up and move to demonstrate exercises.

July 8th – 3 things

Three little elephants in a line.

July 9th – Building

The velodrome at the Olympic Park in Stratford, which I have managed to cycle to a couple of times (although I’m a long way from every cycling inside this building).

July 10th – Listening to…

My running playlist.  At this point I’d finished running and was listening to Katrina & theWaves “Walking on Sunshine”.

July 11th – Cold

Ice and a slice making the drink cold.

July 12th – This is mine

This is my cold G&T. 

July 13th – Outside the window

A lovely Tuscan sunset.  Still mostly being lockdown, the views from my windows were a bit boring, so went into the archives to find this one.

July 14th – Water

Water and water bird.

At the Wetlands I’ve noticed that the water can take on this wonderful camouflage appearance sometimes, and a Crested Grebe looking wonderful.

July 15th – Number

On my usual commute to Clerkenwell I pass this building which has a large number 5.  They frequently apply a sticker to highlight good causes, in this case in support of the NHS (I was passing during the Lockdown period) but have also had stickers for Mental Health Awareness week, Pride, and the Poppy Appeal (amongst many others).

July 16th – Edible

Blueberries in a varying states of ripeness, but edible when the darkest colour has been achieved.

Absolutley amazed to have this photo chosen to be one of the Fab Four for today. 

July 17th – Pile

Pile of punnets, and an egg box waiting to be taken back to the Farmers’ Market for reuse.

July 18th – Sky

The sky was interesting today (thankfully) and this is the sky over the Pump House at the Walthamstow Wetlands.

July 19th – Flowers

Teasels are collections of flowers in a single cone, and are completely beloved by bees.

July 20th – Fave smell

I have so many favourite smells, and they are often floral.  I love the smell of summer jasmine, honeysuckle, lavendar, roses, and I could go on.  But the only flower I cut and bring into the house is the sweet pea, and they flower better because of it.

July 21st – Where I stood

Where I stood to get clean.

July 22nd – Every day

Everyday, I take another step along the path.

July 23rd – Something Beautiful

A beautiful damselfly sitting on a grass stalk, shimmering.

I was delighted that this was chosen as on of the Sensational Sixteen (there were a lot of gorgeous photos)

July 24th – Letter

The Royal Cipher on the Post Box near to me in Walthamstow.  Two letters: V R for Victoria Regina, meaning this was installed during Queen Victoria’s reign.

July 25th – Smooth

Smooth water makes for interesting reflections.


July 26th – Friendship

I’m not a fan of taking photos of people, but this is the four of us who shared a house during my trip to Cape Cod in September 2019 to learn Myofascial Release techniques from John F Barnes.  They represent all of the wonderful friends I have from around the world.

July 27th – Pattern

Virtually every surface in the Alhambra is covered in patterns, this is just a small part of it.

July 28th – Lucky

Oh, how to show lucky in a photo…. I’ve never been fortunate to find a four leaf clover.

But this was a lucky shot of a Steenbok, taken on a safari in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in South Africa, and we were driving along and I saw something near to the car.  I got my camera out, zoomed and pushed the button and it leapt off as soon as I had.  I didn’t see its face with my own eyes, and as this was in the days before I had a digital camera this was taken on film and I had to wait another week to see what I’d taken: this single shot.  I then had it framed and it is in my office at home for me to feel pleased about.

July 29th – White background

When decorating my kitchen, I’ve kept one wall white, which makes the perfect background for some photos like this one of a homegrown fuschia (the only one that flowered this year).

July 30th – I’ve never…

I’ve never learnt to play a keyboard instrument.  This is a harmonium (foot powered organ) that lives in my house, but I have not learnt how to play it.  I know I could, but haven’t given myself the time to do so.

July 31st – Nature

I do love taking photos of nature, so this prompt I almost had too much choice.  But I’m very pleased with this photo of a banded demoiselle, taken at the Walthamstow Wetlands.

Well that was an amazing month and I was amazed to have been selected three times as one of the Fab Four/Notable Nine/Sensational Sixteen as it is always an honour as there is such an amazing selection of very talented photographers in the group.

Thanks for looking through my motley selection of photos.  Hope you enjoyed them my lovely interonauts.  There are loads of photos over on my Instagram feed if you don’t already follow me there.
