Welcome to this month’s Photo-a-Day collection. If you follow these posts regularly then you know that once a year we have Alphabet month, and this year it is in February. So it is always fun to do, until your brain starts to struggle to things of things that begin with the letter in question.
1st Feb – A is for…

These ones can be found at Westminster Abbey, which I visited for Evensong when my partner sang in the visiting choir.
2nd Feb – B is for…

If you can be anyone, be Batman.
3rd Feb – C is for…

Candle on a candlestick.
4th Feb – D is for…

Death Star jigsaw, and yes annoyingly a piece is missing (and it was a new jigsaw)
5th Feb – E is for…

Egg in an eggcup.
6th Feb – F is for…

Frolicking feathered friend… A blackcap came to my garden and had a good old splash in the birdbath.
7th Feb – G is for…

Gin glass given as a gift by a client, who knows me too well.
8th Feb – H is for…

Hands, holding and helping.
9th Feb – I is for…

Incense, of a White Sage sort…
Delighted that this was chosen as one of nine Notable pictures.
10th Feb – J is for…

Jigsaw, had to be really didn’t it.
11th Feb – K is for…

K is for kettle, my stove top kettle that was specially cleaned for this photo.
12th Feb – L is for…

L is for Lightbulb, with a lightning bolt filament, looking for a lamp.
13th Feb – M is for…

M is for mask, seen at the Kew Gardens Orchid Festival.
14th Feb – N is for…

N is for night, a view of the Barbican towers as I head home.
15th Feb – O is for…

O is for Orchids, from the previously mentioned Orchid Festival at Kew Gardens.
16th Feb – P is for…

Pigeon street art, peering out over Whitecross Street, which I walk past on the way to work.
17th Feb – Q is for…

Quetzal, a bird sculpture that was part of the Costa Rican themed Orchid festival at Kew Gardens. I was delighted to find a different word beginning with Q!
18th Feb – R is for…

Rose with Raindrops, seen on the way back from the Walthamstow Wetlands.
19th Feb – S is for…

Stone age axes, seen at the British Museum’s World of Stonehenge exhibition. I also just loved the way that the had been displayed: like a rain of axes… although someone did think that my photo was of false nails.
20th Feb – T is for…

T is for Tiles, for the Thames & Hudson publishing. Seen in Bloomsbury. The company was named after the rivers of London and New York (and there I was thinking it was for my initials), and the two dolphines represent Friendship and Intelligence.
21st Feb – U is for…

U is for under and looking up. I do love to stand under a pylon (when it is safe and accessible) and stand directly underneath, there is something very pleasing about the shapes the struts make. This one can be found at the Walthamstow Wetlands.
I was delighted that this grey picture was chosen to be one of the Fab four for this prompt.
22nd Feb – V is for…

V is for Vinegar, in its shaker. This was one of the first purchases I made in Lockdown, as we were having takeaways more often and I do like vinegar on chips.
23rd Feb – W is for…

W is for windows, of a pleasing green building on Beak Street in central London.
24th Feb – X is for…

So I’m sharing my childish side again (see B for Batman) and more Lego, this time a wonderful X wing.
25th Feb – Y is for…

Spring means the flowers are coming out, and Y is for Yellow daffodils. These can be found in Bonhill Cemetery, which have a fantastic spring bulb display.
26th Feb – Z is for…

Z is for Zip, on one of my boots and it is a wonderful invention that makes it easier to get on and off than having to do the laces all the time.
27th Feb – Letters

A pile of letters, with a few familiar ones at the front.
28th Feb – Your favourite word

Such a difficult prompt… so many words I do love and enjoy, but which one is my favourite?
So will be slightly strange, when I could have chosen Love, Peace, Joy or any number of anatomical words, I go with grapefruit… but not in English: in French.
My favourite word is Pamplemousse. Just because I love the feel of it on my tongue and it makes me smile.
So another alphabet month completed, and I was honoured to have a photo of mine chosen as a Fab Four twice throughout the month. This is always a pleasure to have a picture catch the moderators eye enough to be highlighted. It isn’t really the reason I take part in this group, although I admit I get a thrill when I do get picked, and I feel that it does help to improve my skills as I look to see what has been chosen and see if I can workout how the photos were taken.
Anyway, I do hope you enjoy this still very random blog post.
Thanks for reading