So here we are at the end of 2021, another year that sort of didn’t happen. But the photos continued, and they helped me keep a vague idea of how time was moving on. This month is as Festive as I could manage for the prompts, I felt a need to that after the initial few days passed.
As has been my habit for the last four years, I have also been doing the December Reflections led by Susannah Conway, and these have been gathered in their own post.
1st Dec – Starts with T

Ok, so I said I wanted to be festive with my photos this month, but I really drew a blank on what to take a photo of today. Seriously, I lost any idea of things that begin with T that I could photograph, and those that I did didn’t turnout well. So my toaster was the final option.
2nd Dec – Star

And onto more festive things with this one, a trip to Kew Gardens to see their Christmas Lights gave me the chacne to take this one of stars, just festive enough for this month.
3rd Dec – I love this!

The Kew Christmas light extravaganza produced this awesome sight, a dome over the Sackler bridge reflecting in the water to produce a lovely green globe.
4th Dec – This is Joy!

My Significant Other (SO) sings in a choir and they have an annual Carol concert, which didn’t happen last year for some reason. But joyfully it happened this year and my heart sings with joy hearing them sing. Tears of joy were gently shed when the descants sing over the final verse of “Oh Come, all ye faithful” and I briefly couldn’t sing. Still giving me goosebumps writing this.
5th Dec – Lights

Another photo from my visit to the Kew at Christmas event, and I love this walk of lights. I was also delighted that it was chosen as one of the Fab Four on the Facebook group.
6th Dec – Something Red

A quick visit from a little green friend to help enliven something red: a bauble.
7th Dec – The Weather outside

Oh, the weather outside was frightful… on this particular day.
8th Dec – Mail

Nothing actually came through the door on this day, so a photo of soon to become mail had to be set up.
9th Dec – I bought this…

A cute penguin is one of this year’s additions to our decorations
10th Dec – Something Silver

I know it’s the wrong “Day of Christmas” but this (stainless steel) silver decoration fits the bill.
11th Dec – Tree

The Beech at Kew Gardens all wrapped up in lights.
12th Dec – Decoration

The tree when up the day before this photo, and this little fox caught my eye.
13th Dec – Us

“We are the tribe of two… but then so are they… are they part of Us” All I could think of for today.
14th Dec – A treat

Mince pies, mmmm, are a treat. Although I will admit that if there is a plate of them I find them very difficult to resist.
15th Dec – Something Green

A pile of “popular” green winter vegetables, although I think Grogu (also Green) is looking for the mince pies.
16th Dec – Small

Grogu hung around to show just how small this Santa on a bear decoration is.
17th Dec – Peace

My peaceful Yoga Joe showing Grogu how to chill at Christmas.
18th Dec – Sparkle

Christmas lights reflecting on the damp ground, looking nice and sparkly.
20th Dec – A gift

My presents hadn’t been wrapped by the time this prompt came round, so had to fall back on an illuminated gift from Kew Gardens a coupe of years ago.
21st Dec – Candy Cane

A candy cane snowflake, which was chosen as a Fab Four.
22nd Dec – Santa

Santa in training.. need a whiter beard…
..but was chosen as a Fab Four.
23rd Dec – Makes me feel merry

Gin, of home infused Damson sort, and also Plum Brandy.
24th Dec – Party food

I wasn’t doing any dinner parties or social events (anyone for Wine and Cheese though..?) so Grogu made up for it.
25th Dec – A moment

A moment when the Christmas pudding is set on fire.
26th Dec – Free choice

A slightly odd choice, but this bit of street art (Guessing it’s Peace on Earth) graced the bill boards in Walthamstow.
27th Dec – I did this today

I went to Wrest Park, in the pouring rain, for a bit of a walk to stretch the legs and get the body moving after Christmas.
28th Dec – My fave bit of 2021

Getting away on holiday, and finding an empty sandy beach on Herm.
29th Dec – A book

A single book???!!! Impossible, but I do have at least four copies of Dune (and Lord of the Rings) and was delighted with the Film too.
This was chosen as a Fab Four, which I was delighted with.
30th Dec – Something colourful

The SouthBank was wonderfully colourful over Christmas.
31st Dec – One word for 2022

Whilst my word for 2022 is Courage (see my December Reflections post for more details), but a word for 2022 has to be “Hope”.
This was yet another photo that was chosen as a Fab Four, which was amazing.
So that’s it for December and for my fifth year of taking part in the Fat Mum Slim Photo a Day group. I hope you are still enjoying these monthly collections. I was totally gobsmacked to have 5 photos chosen for recognition this month.
There will be a constant (some might think endless) stream of photos on my Instagram feed, so if you can’t wait until next month then follow me there. There will be another summary of my photos next month.
Thanks for reading this, my lovely interonauts,