So here is the photo collection for April 2020.  This month the world is in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic, and as such many people are stuck in some form of lockdown or another (in the UK we can go out for essentials, or a single exercise period each day).  Chantelle (aka Fat Mum Slim) decided that this month we would be looking at gratitude for the small things in life.  So this is a month of Free Choice photos, but with an over-arching theme of Gratitude.

April 1st

This Amaryllis has come up to flower and is looking absolutely marvellous.  I am grateful that it has done so, and also very grateful to the person (a client) who gave it to me in the first place.

April 2nd 

The Walthamstow Wetlands has been a haven for me since it opened to the public, and I’ve tried to spend time there when I can taking photos of wildlife.  In the times of the Covid-19 lockdown it has remained a haven for me as it is within walking distance and so it has become part of my exercise routine to walk to it, round it and home.  I am so grateful that this is the case.

April 3rd

This is one of my favourite views of the Pump House at the Walthamstow Wetlands, and I was still grateful that it was available for me to visit (although I was moving around it more rapidly than normal).  I was also grateful the weather remained pleasant.

April 4th

Still very grateful that I can leave the house for an exercise break so I can stretch my wings. 

April 5th

Today I was very grateful that the weather was lovely, and I have a garden as I was able to wash my bedding and hang it out to dry in my garden.

April 6th

I’m always grateful that my Mother taught me how to cook, with a few great recipes, but also just a love of cooking.  This is my Frittata, and you can find the recipe here.

April 7th

I’m grateful that I have a garden, and that 8 years ago I planted this pear tree, which is now covered in flowers. 

April 8th

I was lucky enough to see my first ducklings today, and I was grateful for the joy they bring.

April 9th

I am always grateful to have a roof over my head.  This wonderful one isn’t mine… but was seen last year in Cordoba.

April 10th

As it was Good Friday, I was making Hot Cross Buns (I only make and eat them at Easter).  I was grateful that my SO gave me this wonderful book stand, which folds up, so I could have my recipe book to hand.

April 11th

I am grateful for my health… I have avoided catching the Coronavirus, and in reasonable health. I *have* just started a “Couch to 5k” app, and this was me after completing my 3rd run. I have never enjoyed running (too many enforced school Cross Country runs I think) but felt that using this time, and the daily chance to leave the house for exercise to give this a go… We shall see what happens…  I wrote a blog about it here.

April 12th

I spent the Easter weekend decorating my kitchen.  I was grateful to my Father, and many others, who have taught me how to do DIY.

April 13th

I spent a lovely couple of hours listening to the Front Room Festival organised by the wonderful people of Folk on Foot.  There were some lovely music provided by many of the singers from The Lost Words supergroup.  I was meant to be seeing them perform live, but unfortunately the concert was cancelled due to the Lockdown.

April 14th

I am grateful to the artists who have given their time to create wonderful Street Art around Walthamstow.

April 15th

I am grateful to the bees who are busily doing their thing, and helping me to have blueberries in the future (and hopefully apples, pears, wineberries, grapes and blackberries).

April 16th

I am always grateful to have food on my plate.  Yes, that is a slice of my Frittata.

April 17th

I was really grateful for whomever had planted this wisteria many years ago, and the people who have maintained it since.  It was a magnificent display, and the aroma was really something.  I had forgotten that Wisteria smelt so lovely.

April 18th

I was grateful to Mother, who distills such wonderful Gin at Mother’s Ruin (our local distillery).

April 19th

I may be in a minority, but I was grateful to the Lockdown for giving me time:

  • time to stop and look at the world arond me.
  • time to read and catch up on the learning I wanted to do.
  • time to really reconnect to a daily yoga practice
  • time with my SO in the evenings.
  • time to look after myself with starting my running, yoga.

April 20th

I am grateful that I am able to do my yoga on a daily basis. I’m also grateful that I am a Yoga teacher and feel confident in what I am doing, but also able to listen to what my body needs. This was today’s post run session.

April 21st

I am grateful for having free and easy access to clean, running water.

April 22nd

I am grateful for my feet, that have taken me many places over the years, and continue to carry me where I want to go with minimal complaining… They are very happy that it is now warm enough to be bare for most of the day…

April 23rd

I am always grateful for books, the written word and the Arts… So to bring all that together, and because its his Birthday a bit of Shakespeare…

April 24th

I am grateful for having been a Boy Scout and learning my knots and lashings… Just made myself a trellis from garden canes and twine.

April 25th

I am always grateful for my hands, they allow me to do so much.  I know that my clients are also quite grateful for them, and I do hope they are all ok.  

April 26th

 I am grateful that it is asparagus season, and also for the farmers for growing my food and for the Farmer’s Market that I can go to each week to get fresh veg.

April 27th

I am grateful for my phone and it’s camera that allowed me to get photos of this carpenter bee that I saved from inside on my house as it rested and has a drink on this flower in my garden…

April 28th

Again, I maybe in a minority but I was very grateful for the rain.  After the torrential downpours of February that led to some horrendous flooding in the UK, April has been very warm and dry, so my garden had become very thirsty so the rain today was very welcome.  The horde of snails that then appeared I was less grateful to see.

April 29th

It is often overlooked, and definitely taken for granted, but I am very grateful for technology.  It allows me to communicate with my family, friends and others.  

I was also very glad for technology working today as I gave my practical assessment for the Award in Education & Training that I’ve been doing this year. All done over the interweb thingy via the wonder of the Zoomy thing we’re all using.

April 30th

This photo was always going to be the last one this month: I am always so grateful to my Significant Other, who hates having his photo taken.  I am so grateful that he is so wonderful, and that we can share a hug.

I was also delighted and grateful that this photo was chosen to be one of the Sensational Sixteen.

So that’s it for this month of gratitude.  It was quite the challenge to have a month of free choice photos, and having to find something to be grateful for each day was not always easy.  Then remembering what day of the week/month/year it was was also harder without a specific prompt.  There will be more photos on my Instagram feed as we head into May, with a list of prompts again.

So thank you for looking through this series of photos.
