I had been hoping that I would be returning to clinics next week. However, the UK Government’s announcement on Tuesday 23rd June unfortunately said that as a Massage Therapist I am not able to return to in person treatments for the foreseeable future. This has been confirmed by the Professional Associations (ISRM, CNHC, APNT) that I belong to.
Unfortunately, the announcement did not give any indication of WHEN a review of this will take place, or when the next Government announcement will be, unlike the initial plan. This is quite frustrating for me and my colleagues and I can understand it is frustrating for my clients. There has been some mention of 16th July as a possible date for an annoncement but I can’t find confirmation of this.
When will I be treating again?
There is no information on when a review will be conducted or a date for a future announcement from the UK Government, so I can not give a date or even an estimate.
I do not know when yoga classes at Clerkenwellbeing will restart.
Why are some clinics opening now?
Regulated professions (such as Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Podiatrists and Physiotherapists) are considered Allied Health Professions and so able to treat people according to the UK Government guidelines. This has also recently been expanded to include Acupuncturists, but sadly not Sports & Remedial Massage or Myofascial Release.
What I can offer to clients
I can offer one-to-one video conferencing session. I have been working on completing training and learning about offering online consultations and classes.
I am aware that these are not the same as a hands on treatment, but they are the best that I am currently able to offer.
I am also running Online Yoga classes and Myofascial Release Self-Care classes.
Please send an email to tim<at>relaxreleaserenew<dot>co<dot>uk or use the contact form to get in touch for more details and start the process rolling on making an appointment. I am in the process of making this a smoother booking process so please bear with me.
I will admit that I have been reticent about launching these as I find being in front of a camera very uncomfortable. Also, I had hoped that I would be working in person again but that is not going to be the case so I will embrace technology.
Thanks for reading this, and I hope that you all stay safe and healthy,