We often forget to stretch the wrists and forearms, even though we may spend a lot of our days at the computer, or holding things.
These stretches can be done sitting at the desk, or standing next to it.
There is a video at the bottom of this page taking your through the stretches, after the steps and photos.
None necessary
1: Prayer position
- Bring your hands together, fingers outstretched, heels together. At this point the elbows can be down.
- Keeping the hands together, especially the heels of the hands, lift the elbows as high as you can.
- Let the hands sink between the elbows, you should feel a stretch around the underneath of the wrist.
- You can let the fingers sway to and fro, but keep the elbows elevated.

2: Upside down Prayer position
- Bring the backs of your hands together, fingers outstretched, wrists together. At this point the elbows can be higher than the hands.
- Keeping the hands together, especially the backs of the wrists, let the elbows drop as much as you can in relation to your hands.
- Feel like the hands lift between the elbows, you should feel a stretch around the back of the wrist.
- You can let the fingers sway to and fro, but keep the elbows elevated.

3: On a table or the floor
- Place your hand on the table (or floor) witht the fingers pointing forwards in the direction your facing. Have the hand slightly in front of you.
- Bring your weight forwards so your shoulder goes over the hand and, if possible, beyond.
- Hold for 30 seconds then take the weight back.
- Turning from the shoulder, point the fingers away from you, turning the hand outwards.
- Bring your weight over the hand with the fingers pointing out to the side.
- Hold for 30 seconds, then take the weight off the hand.
- Turn the fingers so they point inwards.
- Bring your weight over the hand with the fingers pointing inwards, you could circle slight if it feels comfortable.
- Hold for 30 seconds, then take the weight off the hand.
- Turn the arm and hand all the way outwards so the fingers are pointing behind you. This is the more intense of the stretches, so you many need to take your arm behind the shoulder.
- Lean your weight backwards as you bring your shoulder over the wrist, keeping the heel of the hand down.
- Hold for 30 seconds, then take the weight off the hand.
- Come back to having fingers pointing forwards, then flip the hand over so the back of your hand is resting on the surface.
- Lean your weight backwards, so you stretch around the outside of the wrist.
- Hold for 30 seconds, then take the weight off your hand.
- Repeat with the other hand and then give them a shake.
Fingers pointing forward

Fingers pointing outwards

Fingers pointing inwards

Fingers pointing backwards

Fingers pointing backwards

Here’s a short video of me doing the movement.
Thanks for reading this my lovely Interonauts.