Price of treatments increasing
This is advance notice that from 1st February 2025, the clinic is increasing the prices of treatments. This means thatmy prices are increasing.
Individual treatments
Prices will be:
- 60 minutes will be £80 (currently£75)
- 90 minutes will be £125 (currently £120)
- 120 minutes will be £145 (currently £140)
These are the costs of the treatments that I offer, and they are part of a clinic wide increase so there there are also increases in prices for chiropractic, acupuncture and podiatry treatments. The clinic can provide you with details.
From 1st February 2025 packages will cost. The following is the cost of a package of hour appointments:
- 5 treatment package, 5% discount, will cost £380 (currently £356.25).
- 10 treatment package, 10% discount, will cost £720 (currenlty £675).
Packages bought before the price increase on 1st February 2025 will be honoured until the purchased treatments are used up, or the package time expires. The treatments of a package need to be used within 18 months of purchase and payment is upfront. The clinic reception team manage these and you will need to call them on 02074904042 and they can provide more information.
Why are the prices increasing?
As we all know, there have been a number of increases in prices, especially during 2023 and continuing into 2024 with its very high level of inflation. The cost of the equipment that I use has increased massively, the energy and transport costs have also gone up. The rent that the clinic is paying has increased, and their wage costs are also increasing.
This decision has not been made lightly, and we have held off for as long as possible. We really do want to try to keep our treatments as affordable as we can.
Please note that this is part of a wider increase in prices in the clinic, and I am only providing notice of the increase in my services. This is is a clinic wide increase also affecting Chiropractic Treatments, Acupuncture, Chiropody and Podiatry. Please see the clinic website for information, or talk to a member of Reception.
Yes, the building that the new clinic is in is in the Beech Street Tunnel. I have cornily said that the clinic will become the light in the middle of the tunnel of your journey to greater wellbeing.
So that’s the latest news, and I’m sorry that it’s not the most pleasant news. But this is long overdue.