So, welcome to the July collection of photos. Again there was no overarching theme this month.
July 1st – Hello

Finding a different way to take a selfie, that also says a bit about me.
July 2nd – No filter

So a photo that I feel gets the “No Filter” label is a brightly coloured one, and the most spectactular thing I’ve seen this year was the bluebell woods. The bright purple of flowers and the brilliant green of the new beech leaves was really amazing.
July 3rd – Air

I was having a blank moment on how to photograph something invisible, when my niece introduced me to the modern game of twister which has a spot that is that limb “in the air”. Photo sorted.
July 4th – A drink

This is one of those prompts that I find really difficult to be interested in. We were given a couple of cans of two types of cola by a Chinese Takeaway (yep, I don’t cook everything from scratch) so this was still in the fridge.
July 5th – Open

Open for buzziness…. Bees prefer open flowers, which is why I try not to buy double varieties of flowers as I want to encourage the wildlife.
July 6th – Gold

The roof of the main hall in the Queen’s House at Greenwich is covered in gold leaf patterns.
July 7th – Fire

Yes, this was a prompt at the end of last month. So rapidly trying to find another way, so Grogu helped out.
July 8th – Cool

Mr & Ms Potato head showing us how it’s done.
July 9th – Starts with C

Coffee cup cap. This is the lid of my thermal coffee mug.
July 10th – Pen

An old school fountain pen.
July 11th – Greenery

My kitchen window in summer is shaded by a grape vine, perfect greenery.
July 12th – Starts with T

I had a complete blank on this day as to anything that starts with T… so we ended up with a thumbs up.
July 13th – Button

As this group is a global affiar, with many Australian participants, one of the first images I saw was a lady called Moira’s recreation of a 70s aftershave advert (I vaguely remember them). I felt compelled to respond to her prompt with this attempt, but with added medallion.
July 14th – Positivity

I couldn’t think of anything terribly positve to say, so batteries saved the day.
July 15th – Helpful

So, I don’t always make much about my work and my yoga, but yoga really is helpful for me.
July 16th – Something Red

I was at work, and there really aren’t that many red things around. But my lunch, and a baby plum tomato, came to the rescue.
July 17th – Sun

London was basking in nearly 30C heat, and I went to the British Museum, where I saw the sun through the roof of the Great Court.
July 18th – Life is…

I’m not really that pessimistic, but I could not think of much for today. So the best I could do is Life is an endless cycle. It was a sentiment that chimed with many fellow PaDsters
July 19th – All white

I do love my lobelia (good for hoverflies and moths) and each year I try to get some deep blue ones. This year I could only get a blue mix selection, which have nearly all turned out to be completely white. Oh, well, they’re still nice.
July 20th – At work

In my currently treatment room at Clerkenwell. I love the space and the light (although the afternoon sun in the summer can be a bit warm).
July 21st – Old

Ancient Egyptian Old, taken at the British Museum.
I wasn’t lucky enough to be chosen for the Fab Four of the Facebook group, but I was chosen for the Instagram group.
July 22nd – Petals

Soft, pink and welcoming to insects, some rose petals in my garden
July 23rd – Shop

I do love a good second hand bookshop, and this one (not mine unfortunately) can be found in P’Town, Cape Cod.
July 24th – Peace

A perfect, peaceful lotus flower at Kew Gardens.
July 25th – Art

Street art seems to be everywhere now, and I am definitely starting to really like seeing it. Although it should seem to have some thought behind it, not just graffiti tagging.
July 26th – Curves

This is a series of metal slats that have been shaped to give a number of different curves. They are covering part of an office block, and are the gate for vehicles as well as blocking the utilities.
July 27th – Fuel

July is soft fruit season in my garden, and my morning fuel is augmented by home grown blueberries and wineberries. A tasty addition when they’re in season, although I won’t go out of my way to buy blueberries I’m glad we grow them.
July 28th – Animal

I know people may well have expected a wildlife photograph from me, but I pass this bit of street art on my way home from the Clerkenwell Clinic (depending on my route).
It is a Banksy, and originally the placard read “London isn’t working”, but it was updated by a rival artist called Robbo. Apparently there was a period where they updated each other as a rivalry continued. Robbo died and so it is assumed that this has been left as a tribute.
July 29th – Faded

Staying with the street art and this was a companion piece to one I shared in June. The faded remains of a piece of art.
July 30th – My fave word

I do love words, and trying to choose just one is so difficult. But it’s hard to beat “Love” as a favourite world.
July 31st – Dreamy

This is one of my favourite sculptures and it can be found near to the Princess of Wales Conservatory at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Kew. I really love how they’ve positioned it too.
I was totally blown away to have this chosen as one of the Notable Nine for what was a really tricky prompt.
Bonus 1

With the All white photo I said that I had bought a mixed blue and this is the selection of blue that I have ended up with, mostly white.
Bonus 2

The curve prompt was part of a wider wall, and this gives the context.
Another great month has passed, and I was so pleased for my dreamy photo to be chosen within the Facebook group, and also for the Old photo to be chosen in the Instagram group. Always a delight, and so unexpected.