So here we are at the end of 2019 and the last photo a day collection for the decade.  As has been my habit for the last four years, I have also been doing the December Reflections led by Susannah Conway, and these have been gathered in their own post.

December 1st – Out + About

Christmas trees all ready to be purchased and decorated

December 2nd – Lights

The Christmas at Kew (Royal Botanical Gardens) has become a bit of a tradition, and here’s one of the displays.

December 3rd – Something Festive

Like a giant bauble of lights, found near Liverpool Street Station.

December 4th – I bought this

A pile of books, all for me… 

December 5th – The Weather today

The weather at the start of the month was sunshine and cold, but not on the day of the prompt: grey and flat.  Using the trees to make it look a bit more interesting.

December 6th – Small

Small insignificant flowers lead to bright red berries on a Holly bush. I’ve not seen both on a plant at the same time before…

December 7th – Homemade

My homemade Christmas cake after getting it’s final feed.  Next week it gets covered in Marzipan, and then icing the week after.

December 8th – Morning

I am really not a morning person, and would rather not speak to anyone without a coffee.

A candid photo of waking up.

December 9th – Santa

Santa and a couple of reindeer having fun on the seasonal toilet paper.

December 10th – Gift

A lovely gift from a happy client.

December 11th – Mail

One piece of mail arriving, and one piece getting ready to leave…

December 12th – Green

Green Will-o’-the-wisp lights seen at Kew gardens.  Not quite sure why this is Festive, but….

December 13th – Sparkle

These sparkly, luscious lips seen at God’s Own Junkyard in Walthamstow.

December 14th – Red & White

Another wonderful find from God’s Own Junkyard in Walthamstow.  This time a festive skull, which reminds me of the character Death from Terry Pratchett’s Hogfather book.

December 15th – Fun

Waltham Forest has been the first London Borough of Culture, and this was taken at the finale of the year.  Some animals protesting was part of the event.

December 16th – Wrapping

Wrapping paper of a bee sort.  Maybe not the most festive of wrapping paper, but it’s gorgeous.

Artist is the fabulous Ben Rothery.

December 17th – Tree

A minimalist sort of tree, seen at Kew Gardens.

December 18th – Decoration

This substantial building number is decorated depending on what’s going on; here its for Christmas.  But it has also been coloured for Pride Week, Mental Health Awareness week, and Remembrance Sunday.  I pass it on my way to Clerkenwell.

December 19th – Joy is…

Joy is a christmas decoration.  

This is one of those prompts that I find really hard to complete: partly because I rarely feel like I ever experience joy.  I actually do: I just don’t take a photograph of it as I’m enjoying it.  It is also one of those prompts that I think would be easier if I had a little one, but I don’t and I feel weird taking stalker shots.

December 20th – Xmas treat

Not just one luxury chocolate, but two…

…to be honest there are other Xmas treats (Mince pies, homemade sausage rolls, stollen) that I really love, but I didn’t have any to hand and had very little time today.

December 21st – Star

A star shaped biscuit cutter, used to make and decorate my Christmas Tree Biscuits (I shared the recipe too)

December 22nd – I did this today

Amongst many other things, I did the mundane: washing of my bedding.

December 23rd – Tradition

These biscuits are the ones made using the star shaped cutter (see 21st photo) and they have been something my mother has made since my childhood, and now I make them too.

One of the biggest traditions my family has (and I still observe) is to have no television on Christmas day: it makes it quite special and timeless.

December 24th – Xmas Eve

The final door on the Advent Calendar…

December 25th – Celebrate

A cracker before dinner was served.  I was busy cooking so didn’t have much chance to actually take any photos.

December 26th – Hat

A hat (or crown) of a paper variety contained in the crackers.

December 27th – I’m grateful for…

I am grateful for so many things: a roof over my head, food in my stomach, clothes on my back, a job I love…  But quietly and so loving and caring, and for what I’m most grateful for is the love and support I receive from my man of 16 (nearly 17) years.

Love him to bits.

This post was one of the most popular I’ve ever submitted to the Facebook group, getting over 310 likes.

December 28th – I got this!

I got this tomte* and his brother, which will join their cousins to form a tomte clan.  He was made by my sister-in-law who does felt art.




*Swedish Gnome.

December 29th – Selfie

December 30th – Lunchtime

One of my favourite lunches includes bread and cheese and cold meats and cake… In this case Christmas Cake.

December 31st – My best pic of 2019

So this was a very tricky prompt, and hard to narrow down a single photo, but I think this is one of my favourites:

A waterlilly and a reflection of a Chihuly installation seen at Kew Gardens earlier this year.

So that’s it for December and for my third year of taking part in the Fat Mum Slim Photo a Day group.  I hope you are still enjoying these monthly collections. I was also taking part in the December Reflections as well, which will be covered in a separate post.

There will be a constant (some might think endless) stream of photos on my Instagram feed, so if you can’t wait until next month then follow me there. There will be another summary of my photos next month.

Thanks for reading this, my lovely interonauts,



Reiki Courses: I’m running a Reiki Level 1 course running in March 2020.  More information (External website)

British Fascia Symposium: Bi-annual conference sharing information about the Fascia and it’s applications in clinics.  More Information (External website)