Welcome to another collection of my photos! So the penultimate month of 2019, and the theme this month was Rainbow month. So a return to the perenially lovely colour month, which FMS Pad last did in May (when I did the Bikes of London). This time work is busy so I am not planning my own theme on top of this.
November 1st – Red

A red lift, seen near to Kings Cross Station in London.
November 2nd – Orange

An orange leaf found on my way to work.
November 3rd – Yellow

Yellow tape to say that something isn’t to be used.
November 4th – Green

Green ivy looking very bright against the dark green paint, seen on my way to work.
November 5th – Blue

Blue sky, blue sea…
…seen whilst at Cape Cod for the John F Barnes’ Myofascial Release seminars I attended.
November 6th – Purple

A close up of a purple Campanula I have in my garden.
November 7th – Pink

Very pink flowers seen at Kew.
November 8th – Aqua

A faded rusty bridge at Finsbury Park train station.
I always struggle with whether something is aqua or not (like with teal), and I think this fits the bill.
November 9th – Navy

Navy towel, which I’ve owned for many years and it has faded slighlty. Someone suggested it looked like a moonlit path through grass…
November 10th – Brown

Brown oak leaf, as autumn is in full swing.
November 11th – Black

Black yoga trousers, slighlty faded.
November 12th – White

White pipe and painted bricks in Studio 2 at Clerkenwellbeing where I teach yoga and run the meditation group.
November 13th – Grey

The grey painted Kelpies, against a grey sky
November 14th – Dark

Dark makes the lights brighter. The view from Regent’s Place after helping out at a Myofascial Release UK (MFR UK) course.
November 15th – Light

A light in the darkness…
November 16th – Pattern

A leopard print crab shell…
…seen on most of the beaches in Cape Cod in September.
November 17th – Rainbow

A rainbow tote bag, carried by a colourful couple…
… How could I not resist stalking them and getting a shot for PaD?
November 18th – One colour

Natural rug on natural floor. I was stuck at home with a horrrid cold, so not the most exciting photo.
November 19th – Two colours

Two colours of t-shirts. These were being sold by Bird Therapy to raise money for two mental health charities. I will be writing more about this soon, as I’m reading the book (which I supported to get published)
November 20th – Three colours

Three colours of a bright nature.
November 21st – Black & White

The black and white set for a concert by Nik Bartsch at the Barbican in November.
November 22nd – Warm

The warm colours of a Chihuly piece glowing in the spotlights.
November 23rd – Cool

Cool waters (it was the Atlantic) and a cool surfer spotted at Cape Cod.
November 24th – Colour pop

A bright leaf amongst the drab funghi.
November 25th – Monochrome

A light and the curtain at Clerkenwell.
It was all I could think of.
November 26th – Fave Colour

I really like most colours, so choosing a favourite is really hard. I probably like Red and blue best, so here’s a bold red piece of wall with some art on top.
November 27th – Pastel

The tunnel from King’s Cross station to Coal Drop Yard has a changing wall of lights, and I managed to catch it just as it was pastel.
I was really pleased with how this photo turned out, and so was also delighted it was chosen as one of the Fab Four in the Facebook group.
November 28th – Bright

A wonderfully bright Vespa scooter that I’ve passed a couple of times on my way to work at Clerkenwell. Always brings a smile to my face.
November 29th – Golden

A bit random this one, but I was walking home from Stanmore one wet night (I could have caught the bus but needed the fresh air more). My glasses were covered in spots and I saw the sparkles and had a go at photographing the streetlight with my cameraphone and my glasses. I quite like the finished photo.
November 30th – Neon

Another photo from God’s Own Junkyard, a neon light heaven not far from where I live. Just perfect for this prompt.
So that’s it for yet another month, I hope you enjoyed the photos. I was delighted to have been chosen as one of the Fab Four this month for my pastel colour photo, and it was wonderful that one I was really pleased with was chosen..
There will be a constant (some might think endless) stream of photos on my Instagram feed, so if you can’t wait until next month then follow me there. There will be another summary of my photos next month. I am also aiming to take part in Susannah Conway‘s December Reflections for the fourth year running. I plan to put the bits together in a blog so keep following.
Thanks for reading this, my lovely interonauts,