Yoga & Meditation

Yoga and meditation leave you stronger in mind and body, with a new energy and purpose. If you’d like to feel happier, healthier and more capable, these classes are for you.

Yoga Class

This gentle class is ideal for beginners and beneficial for the more experienced, whatever your age or level of fitness. There are no fast changes from one intricate posture to the next. Instead, you’ll learn how to listen to your body so you can move at a pace that’s comfortable for you.


Yoga increases your perception of how your body moves and feels, allowing you to identify areas of tension and release them with simple yoga movements. By gaining a deeper inner awareness you’ll be able to reconnect with your body, reduce pain and stress and restore well-being.

What happens in class?

I’m using a form of yoga inspired by the teachings of Vanda Scaravelli. This approach uses gravity to relax and release the spine, which leads to an invigorating and natural suppleness. I will guide you through a series of poses, encouraging you to find the support of your bones in each pose which helps you to minimise the amount of effort necessary to journey towards the poses. I will use props (belts, blocks and bolsters) to help you find comfort in the position that is best for your body. Occasionally I will also use my hands to help bring an awareness of the base of the pose or to bring a focus to where the movement ideally is occurring.

As Vanda said: “Movement is the song of the body”.

The course I studied on is accredited by the British Wheel of Yoga and includes 500 hours of study, covering yoga practice and philosophy, anatomy and physiology.

How to book a yoga class

Contact the Clerkenwell Clinic to book your place.  Call 020 7490 4042  or email

Online booking is coming soon.

Meditation Class

No classes currently offered.

Meditation quietens the mind and helps you to focus on the present, which is so much better than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. This greatly increases your ability to cope and leaves you with a renewed vitality. It’s wonderful for your physical health as well.


Calming your thoughts reduces stress and this leads to so many benefits. Memory function improves, making it easier to concentrate for longer. It also helps to lower high blood pressure and your heart will certainly thank you for that. Less stress also works wonders for your energy levels.

What happens in class?

I tend to focus on breathing and visualisation techniques, but movement and chanting can also enhance the experience. I’ll lead you through a short, guided meditation to set you on the right track and help you to focus. Then you’ll continue to meditate in your own way before I gently bring you back.

Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions.


Scaravelli (Hatha) Yoga
Wednesday Lunchtime

Time: 13:00-13:50 (ish)

Location: 45 Beech Street, EC2Y 8AD
Class size: Max 4 students
Yoga class prices
£14 individual drop in class
No classes planned at the moment

Online yoga classes are also available on Tuesday mornings 09:30-10:45