About Tim Harwood

About Tim Harwood

As a complementary health therapist, I’m constantly amazed at the powerful and far-reaching effects of mind and body working together. If our physical health and emotional wellbeing are in tune the results can be wonderfully positive and life-enhancing. When things are out of kilter the consequences can be negative indeed.

This is why I’m passionate about helping people to heal themselves by restoring the natural harmony between mind and body. I’ve studied a variety of methods over the years and they all complement and enhance one another. This means I can tailor make a course of treatment that’s right for you.


My training

My Bodywork career started as a Sport & Remedial Massage Therapist, qualifying with the highly regarded London School of Sports Massage in 2010. I studied Myofascial Release (MFR) with Ruth Duncan of MFR UK. In 2015, I was one of the first three students to complete the Advanced Clinical Diploma in Integrated MFR – a course I passed with distinction. I’ve regularly acted as an assistant on MFR UK diploma courses and from 2023 I have taught some of the MFR UK courses, which gives me the opportunity to support and work with new MFR students. In 2017 I traveled to Sedona, Arizona, to study with John F Barnes, a PT who originated the Sustained MFR approach that I use.  In  2019, I returned for more training with John in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

My training in energy work started with Meditation, Reiki and Emotional Realignment Therapy (ERT) which I studied with James E Honey, the creator of ERT and its successor: the Honey Healing Method (HHM). Both therapies are revolutionary approaches to permanently clearing emotional blocks and resolving the issues these blockages create in our energy flow.

I’m now a Reiki Master and Teacher and one of a small number of HHM and ERT practitioners in the world. I’m delighted to be able to offer these therapies to my clients as they are so beneficial for mind and body. I have been teaching (attuning) people to Reiki since 2013 and hold regular classes.

In 2017, I completed my training as a Yoga Teacher with the London Yoga Teacher Training Group (LYTTG).  This 500 hour equivalent training in the Scaravelli inspired style of Hatha Yoga was taught over the two years by a faculty of teachers including: Anne-Marie Zulkahari, Peter Blackaby, Lisa McRory, Cara Bowen, Neville Cregan, Lesley Dyke, Sarah Lindsey and Bridget Thornborrow,


Constantly learning

Despite my years of training there’s still so much to discover. As a firm believer in contining professional development (CPD) and voluntary regulation to ensure quality, I regularly add to my knowledge through courses and seminars. This helps me to maintain the highest standards of practice.


Time off

Amazingly I manage to have some of this! I enjoy being outdoors as much as possible and you’ll often find me gardening, walking or birdwatching. I also enjoy meditating and reading (which is handy considering the amount of commuting I do). I also love taking photographs and examples of this are shared via my Instagram account, where I take part in a photo a day challenge.


My approach

I’m here to help you lead a healthy and happy life. Whether you’re dealing with specific issues or you just need some space to relax and reinvigorate, I’ll do everything I can to help and support you.

My approach is always tailored to your personal needs and I’m committed to giving you the very best level of care. You’ll be kept up to date on your progress every step of the way, but if you’d like more information you only need to ask.

If I’m unable to help you or feel you would benefit from a different approach or therapy, even if it’s with another practitioner, I’ll certainly discuss this with you and provide recommendations if required.

I believe that the therapies I offer support and complement conventional medicine, but these should never be used as a replacement for medical diagnosis of a condition.